Where in the Falls?

So one of the things both Lil Mouse and I wanna do with this blog is to highlight the great city of Sioux Falls.

Lil Mouse has lived here all her life. I moved here in lets see Oct. ’94, so it’s been quite a while now, almost twenty years which leaves me about twenty more before I’m officially considered a Midwesterner.

Anyway, as part of that desire to celebrate the city we wanna make sure we include a couple of pages with local flavor.

“Where in the Falls?” will feature photos mostly taken in and around Sioux Falls, (maybe a smattering of local Siouxland area pics) with hints clues or riddles as to the pics “subjects” location.

Some may be easier than others..

Mr. Bendo, got rear end-oed, but now he's on the mend-o



Some pics may take some detective work…

High above an alley made from steel, looks like a movie set, but it's real




Okay well they both ended up rhyming…don’t expect that all the time, not fer $59.99…Tim H. Tebow I did it again!

Anyway, if ya don’t live ‘roun these here parts…well hopefully you will enjoy the pictures for their (possible) artistic merit. If you live in the greater Sioux Falls Metro Area, or make it into town on a regular basis, or say, wanna hire someone local to do a little leg work, well then be our guest and make yer guess’s in the comments section.

We’ll even do our best to keep track of the people who find the most locations and award prizes now and then.

I mean don’t get yer hopes up too high, right off the top of my head the first prize that comes to mind is the free year subscription to our blog, that’s a $59.99 savings right there, plus the years worth of enjoyment you’ll get is priceless

Anyway, watch for the new page comin’ and we hope you enjoy

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