Knick Knackery

Okay so one of the things that Lil’ Mouse & I love best is Thrifting, Garage saleing etc (we got to know each other while both working for a thrift store[well we first met at a poetry reading then she started at the thrift store])…Anyway, among the many things we have in common is a shared love fer vintage, retro, or in some cases (particularly with me) jes plain ol’ crap that’s fallin apart.

Some of the stuff we buy, we buy knowing it’s worth something, but most of the time we jes buy it ’cause we like it, not knowing, or in spite of knowing the monetary value.

We both thought it would be fun to share some of our more cherished items, some of our junkier things and some of the stuff we don’t know anything about…I mean one of you (someday possibly) might know information about one of the pieces we have (hopefully of course something that begins along the lines of “omg that’s a rare…”)

Okay as usual I go on and on when I should just be puttin up pics…

These are one of my favorite items…they are Clown Noise makers from Japan. They still make noise when you turn the handle on top(the tune is “pop goes the weasel”), but I’ve always assumed the tongues were supposed to stay hidden until that moment. As you can see, one is permanently out, the other perhaps lost his in some sort of tragic celebration gone wrong.

This was Lil’ Mouses Valentine present this year. She collects vintage typewriters. This is a little vintage toy replica that we’re going to hang on the wall of her girl cave.

I gotta lot of this. Lil Mouse will laugh when bring some new piece home. This is what I would call grandma-chic…

Okay so as you can see we’re more collectors of the heart. Most of this stuff we buy ’cause we love it, or like this lamp, people we know find it, know we’ll love it and send it our way.

Some stuff though, some of the Grandma stuff i know is worth a little. This McCoy piece is worth a few bucks…I think we bought it fer fifty cents.

Okay so that leaves me with the one item I know nothing about, and have been able to uncover nothing in my searches so i thought maybe I’d throw it out there…Might just be a chair?? I don’t know, but it looked groovy. Ever seen anything like it? Here’s a close up of the face at the top of the chair. Might just be some weird nordic chair, but we here at 409 are pretty fond of it (well maybe the male half a little more than the better half)

Anyway, that’s just a little taste. We will continue to post more of and about our knick knackery occasionally…

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

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