Randomn Writes & Rongs in the Middle Border

Hi all, so we here at the RWR offices are proud to announce our big move to our new location in Palace City, or the Middle Border, as many ’round these parts call it. Improved functionality and some exciting acquisitions by our new parent subsidiary, Blogaphesto, really means we can bring you some top of the line blogging action.

Unfortuntaely one of the offshoot start ups from RWR, 409 N. has closed it’s doors forever. But Capital House News will soon replace it bringing not only the latest in our poetry but “us” news and local interest stories as well. So with every door closing as the saying goes, your new bosses supply you with a cool Jeep!

What ya never heard that one before?

Or are you saying your blogbosses didn’t supply you with a kick ass vehicle for…

Jeepin it Realtmsymbol a new blog where Lil Mouse and I (or just I at times) get out into the wild wide world beyond the world wide web and get paid to have fun.

So with that meet out new Baby, Pearl…

Baby Pearl

Baby Pearl

Paerl N' Mud

Baby Pearl’s First Mud Bath






We named her after one of our favorite authors, Pearl S. Buck, like Pearl the Jeep a fan of American Work Ethic…

We took a quick trip out to the Black Hills recently, at our behest here’s a couple quick pics. A little preview of our new blog

Lil Mouse as "Wilson"

Lil Mouse N’ Pearl


Lil Mouse watches while I clamber up a rock face.



Goin under the bridge...Turn #1Iron Mountain Hwy

Goin under the bridge…Turn #1Iron Mountain Hwy


if you haven’t been on Iron Mountain Hwy in the Black Hills, rated as one of the best roads in America (by everyone I talked to). Stayed tuned for upcoming video footage, not quite as good as in person but it does save you on gas money. The picture shows the first of a few turns that send you over the top of the road you were just on.

The tunnel is also a picture frame

Comin up to Tunnel #1 Iron Mountain Hwy.


The first of two tunnels that are cut so that they frame the distant Mt. Rushmore perfectly. (And also the rock that I clambered up from the first shot in order to get this.DSCN0544



Oh and this

An unusual view

Driver not shown due to inappropriate hand signals.


This is looking down from my spot above the tunnel from the above pic. I think the driver was worried I’d knock down some rocks on his car.

At Needles, another great hwy in the Hills

At Needles, another great hwy in the Hills



Okay well that’s jes the start gentle readers, just found friends, and fervent fans.

Watch fer our new upcoming blogs “Capital House News”

& Jeepin it Realtmsymbol both here on Word Press

Art where you least expect it.

The Horse Says Yes!




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