The Great Belt Scandal

When   we’re writing a blog one of the hardest parts is to come up with a good title, something catchy and funny(maybe) but short and to the point of the post that follows.

For this one Lil Mouse and I kicked around a lot of ideas, “A Belt , A Belt! My Kingdom for A Belt!”, “Hit Me with Yer Best Belt”, “For Whom the Belt Tolls”, “These Belts Were Made fer Wanting”, “Belts fer the Beltless” even “Belt & Beltability” got a run up in our RWR brainstorming session.

While we were unanimous that The Great Belt Scandal wasn’t the best we figured well, it kept to the spirit of the post better than say “The Beltman Cometh” not some now cliched title like “Beltocolypse”, and funnier than “Hey Abercrombie & Fitch Sell Me Some Belts”

Okay so here’s the set up

 Customer By Web Form (tom foster)
Good Morning
First I wanna say I love AF cargo shorts. There are none better. I been wearing cargo shorts since my early So Cal days. I first discovered AF Cargoes about five six years ago as a warehouse manager at a thrift store. They immediately became the only shorts I wear. As long as the temp is above 40 I have one of my eight pair of AF Cargoes on (I used to have twelve but passed on some duplicates to my son).
I am a painter by trade and an outdoor guy by nature and these shorts are not only the most comfortable to wear but like everything else by AF that I have since bought, hold up to seriously rugged use (in fact often get better with said use). My original pair is stitched together like some artistic Frankenstein shorts but I love them the best.
Now to my issue. I have eight pair of shorts, but I am down to 1 1/2 (ish) belts. I had four belts, One got lost somehow, one wore out, the one I use now for work is wearing out. I have one left fer fancy short wearing time…but i would love to have some spares (the one I have now is from a green pair and I would love too have some other color options so…
Near Belt Less in Palace City

Belts! [Incident: 130730-001948]

FROM Abercrombie & Fitch TO You
 Discussion Thread
 Response Via Email (Celia) 07/30/2013 12:36 PM

Hey tom,

Thank you for contacting us at Abercrombie and Fitch!

We are so happy to hear that you are a fan of our A&F cargo shorts. We love them just as much as you. If you would like to check out our A&F belts shop here. We also recommend our Hollister CO belts! We hope you can find some great belts to go with your 8 pair of cargos!
Belts are 50% off with a purchase of jeans!
Customer Service
Abercrombie & Fitch
Don’t Forget to check us out on Facebook!

Okay, I obviously wasn’t clear enough. So I called and talked to a person this time,and went through the whole story again and the quickly losing patience customer service lady explained that the belts I was looking for only came with the shorts. I said that I had visited their site, I had also visited (groan)Hollister and had an e conversation with one of thier e-rep’s and so was aware that these belts were not for sale in the traditional manner.

Yet still, I assured her, I would like to find a way to buy some of these belts separately.
“There is No Way sir, They come with the shorts.”
Suddenly I felt like Jack Nicholson in “Five Easy Belts”
I said “But the belts aren’t actually attached to the shorts.” “Sir…” “They are a separate unit.” Sir…”  “And…” “Sir I am aware of this Sir. The Belts are not sold separately.”
I assured her I would keep tryin. I’m sure she was assured I was some kind’a nut, but that’s about it.
So back to the e-mail I go. And here’s my next contact attempt…

Re: Belts! [Incident: 130730-001948]

FROM Thomas Foster TO 1 recipient

Thanks so much for your prompt response. I have already looked at both sites and do not see the belt I am looking for. It normally comes with the shorts. But I was looking for a way to buy this particular belt(s) as a separate unit. I can find belts like these on line but I wanted AF belts to go with my AF shorts, not some cheap knock off. I already called, prior to this e mail but am still hoping I can somehow talk AF into selling me some of these belts. Please consider my offer and with some creative thinking maybe come up with a way to assist me in this quest.
Thanks again for your time and consideration in this matter,
ps I am sending some photos of my favorite shorts to help talk AF into it 🙂

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Ok, so and here’s where I need your help oh gentle and wise reader. I can’t get this lovely e-mail through to ol Ciela, and I’m sure one of you out there must know her, or know someone who knows Ceila, the Belt Hoarder over at A&F…
Cause look, I may not be the smartest tack holding up Stephen Hawking’s Element Chart but, I do know that somewhere there’s a factory filled with Asian kids putting these belts I want through the loops on the cargo shorts I love so much so…
Have one of those kids, I’m not partial to which one, take a handful of belts and mail it to me here at RWR Studios care of Lil’ Mouse…wait…wait…
“The Tale of two Belts” huh? huh?

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