My Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night

Number one thing…oh wait you thought I was starting right there…oh man I’m so muchhalloween more wordy than that. I mean Jimmney Christmas lemme set er up at least.

Okay what I was saying is that first ya gotta understand I don’t like slasher films like “Saw” or “F-13” or even the modified Dream Slasher aka “Freddy”

So if you’ve come to see where yer favorite “Prom Night”, or other teen slasher movie is ranked yer gonna be a sad lil goblin.

Next I only am doing thirteen films so my I had to have some strict standards .

First it has to be a scary movie.

Wait let me clarify that, it’s intent has to be to scare more than to entertain. From the recent and great films like “Slither” “Cabin in the Woods” by the “Buffy Guy” (no, I know Joss Weadon I’m just messing with ya’ll) to older campy or cult films many of which make most  other “Top Horror Lists”. like “Susperia” or “Re-Animator” whether the laughs are intetinal or not I did not include them on the list.

Which of course leaves out many of my personal favorites. Fer instance like the above mentioned “Reanimator”. which along with “From Beyond” are two wonderful horror movies from the same Director, but for me at least are not about being scared as much as being entertained by some real weirdos for a couple hours.

A. Hepburn Wait Until Dark

Look Out Audrey! Look Out!

The movie also has to be an intentional “Horror” movie, not just a scary movie. “Wait Until Dark” the 1967 jump-a-thon featuring Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin is as tense and scary as a movie can get but…it’s a suspense thriller, not a horror movie.

One Scary Dude

One Scary Dude

To Qualify for my list the Movie had to be marketed as a Horror Movie.

Seriously though if you have not seen “Wait Until Dark” it is an excellent piece of cinema and ahead of it’s time in both content and intensity for a main stream movie of it’s day.

I’m also not going to try to prove to you how cool, obscure or hip I am by awarding a movie a spot on this list simply due to it’s genre meeting and or busting qualities.

Or it’s gore factor. Movies like “Susperia” by Argento may be rated as a masterpiece in almost every horror movie list, but I’m sorry, I’ve watched it more than once and am not impressed yet alone scared. I was grossed out,  bored, sometimes entertained but never scared. The same goes for the classic “Night of the Living Dead”. which I do like but cannot include on this list because it never scared me.

At the speed of a ninety year old with palsy. 60's zombie's jes weren't that scary.

At the speed of a ninety year old with palsy. 60’s zombies jes weren’t that scary

For the purpose of this list it doesn’t matter if people used to find the movie really scary or not.. Did it scare me that’s the point of this list.

That’s cause it’s my List. If I somehow don’t include your favorite here, go make your own.

Okay with all those parameters and defing factors ironed out lemme go ahead and start by busting all those rules and give an honorable mention spot to..

The theme song just sprang into yer mind didn't it.

The theme song just sprang into yer mind didn’t it.

Honorable Mention: “Halloween” The original with Jamie Lee Curtis. I give this movie the nod not because it defined a whole generation of teen slasher films to follow. But because this is a Halloween list and the title of the film is “Halloween”.

It didn’t make the actual list because it was a typical John Carpenter film and has some terrible dialogue and plot developments that were cliche’ and predictable. I was scared when I first saw it. Now I just end up annoyed at the lame dialogue.

I’ll admit to his movies being a guilty pleasure of mine. “Escape…” & “Big Trouble…” being two of my favorites. But this is a Halloween list. Maybe I’ll do a “Top Carpenter Movie List” someday.

Okay so yea, bla, bla, bla lets get on with it already!

Mr Dark's Carnival

Mr. Dark’s Carnival comes to town.

13: “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
Though this 1983 movie is a Disney Production, and it’s lacking the “serious” scare factor of the other movies in this list. It has been a perennial Halloween favorite in my various households for years.

The story, the actors, the plot development and intensity at the end are all at a par with the best of any of the movies on this list. And, though I could not find it in any other online list, it is a far better film than countless others offered in it’s place.

Something Wicked… is based on an excellent Ray Bradbury short story and though he was involved with development and production of the film he split with Director Jack Clayton over differences once filming had begun. Most agree though that the movie stayed quite true to the original, including much of the literary quality that Bradbury brings to a story.

Despite it being sold as a movie for ‘tweens, though it doesn’t have aliens, zombies, knife wielding maniacs, gore or any typical horror movie features, SW is creepy and has heavy chill factor. It’s entire theme is equal to any age’s viewing enjoyment. You will not regret picking this film for Halloween night.

12: The Thing

Kind of like button button meets an aids test.

Kind of like button button meets an aids test.

John Carpenter’s The Thing released in 1982 would probably rank higher on this list if I hadn’t seen it a hundred times or more. It is Carpenter’s best film and one scary a** movie. If you haven’t seen this flic yet I’m not sure what, or maybe where you’ve been?

The Thing was Carpenter’s eighth film & his first gig with a big time studio, Universal. Which shows in far better production values.

But none of that comes to mind when the husky starts shaking.

Really if you’re looking for high tension scares, this films for you. And a perfect for anyone who likes their horror served up cold, desolate and alien.

All right so that’s the first two picks on my list.

Wait what?

No, of course I’m going to split them up or this post would end up with 10,000 words. I mean I’ve written some wordy posts, but…

Stay tuned though for some classic picks and some vicious new favorites. Feel free as always to comment below and tell me how insightful I am, or the opposite of course is equally welcome.

I hate your choices!

I hate your choices!

1 thought on “My Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night

  1. Pingback: Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. IV | Random Writes & Rongs

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