Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. III

Well it’s been a whirlwind of activity here at Blogaphesto, headquarters of RWR and other fantastic blogs. There has been so much response to the first two “Top 13…” posts that we had to take on an extra intern to handle the work load.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Okay well no, not really. Not one comment yet.

And maybe that’s my fault. Ya see I stopped hitting like or commenting on most of the blogs I read. Howz come you wonder? Well that’s not really the topic of this post, nor the type of subject matter we deal with here at RWR but I’ll try to touch on it quick anyway.

Suffice to say that we were getting a lot of random likes from people who obviously weren’t actually reading our posts. They were jes fishing for likes for their own live laugh loverey posts or newest Cool Colored Cupcake page.

Second a lot of blogs are now simply people shilling a product or line of products under the guise of hip new media. I don’t have time to sift through all that and figure who actually likes me.

Now people who comment are different, any real blogger who comments I will come visit their site, see if we have things in common, etc.

I like commenting on others blogs, probably to the annoyance of those blogs authors, it is to laugh, but whatever bastards, I write what I want and do what I want.

Like this list…this is my list and ya know what, screw everyone else my choice for number nine is.

9: The Violent Kind

Look it even says Halloween on the poster

Look it even says Halloween on the poster

I did not know before I watched this movie that nearly every critic, reviewer, and Rotten Tomato subscriber had panned the 2010 Butcher Bros (Directors: Mitchell Altieri and Phil Flores) film.

I love the movie but had not planned originally to include it due to it not being as outright “scary” as some of the others in my list.

However, I think this is a great film, fun, scary, mysterious, creepy characters, good script, cinematography, soundtrack. I mean it’s a kick ass movie.

After I watched it of course I went to learn what I could about the film and found it was trashed for being trash, a bad bad movie.

Included in those critics though was one compelling nugget which made me go back and view the film again. One reviewer in blasting the film compared it to  Sam Rami’s “The Evil Dead” (which I love but is not on my 13 list, don’t despair jes yet ED fans). Trying to insult the movie by comparing it to Evil Dead only inspired me to watch it again.

And ya know I loved it even more, talked the movie up to everyone I know, and it now holds an esteemed place in the “movies I own” category.

But didn’t I say earlier that it wasn’t going to make the list. Well yea because like another of my favorite modern horror films “Slither” it’s just so much fun to watch, the laughs and scares are about equal. TVK jes has a few more scares than laughs, and while researching for these posts I had the chance to reread all the criticism of the film and was inspired to give it a spot on my list.

A fun bunch of folks.

A fun bunch of folks.

If you haven’t seen it yet this Halloween would be a perfect time to invite the whole gang over.

Vernon, Jazz, Trixie,  Pussywagon & of course Murderball, can’t forget that freak, they love a good party.

Who are they? Where are they from? That’s part of the fun. And I wouldn’t ant to spoil it fer ya.

As to what they want.  They’re just a friendly bunch lookin fer a good time…the violent kind!

8: Evil Dead Pt 2

220px-Evil_Dead_II_posterAlright so yea there are some laughs in this film. Some people would even go so far as to say I’m breaking my own rules by giving a nod to this film but again…my list etc…

Yes it’s got a heavy independent movie feel, is billed as a horror comedy, is a cult favorite and (along with ED1)set the groundwork for many iconic “Rami-isms”, film techniques the Director went on to use in everything from 1990’s excellent but ahead of it’s time “Darkman” to the huge studio production of “Spiderman” in 2002. And so is a classic in more sense than one. but all that aside I’m still putting it in my list.

I’m a big fan of both Sam Rami and Bruce Campbell, so what, that and of the above still does not take away from the fact that this is indeed a scary movie.

A fabulous party host...for a Demon

A fabulous party host…for a Demon

Poor Ash get’s pushed not only over the edge, but over a number of edges.

Equally humorous, creepy and terrifying,

Equally humorous, creepy and terrifying,

And again yes, some scenes, like the mounted heads scenes will make you laugh, but it’s an uncomfortable laughter. We want to dismiss it as cheesy because the idea of it happening is far scarier than a guy with a knife. I can fight back against an axe wielding maniac. In ED II Ash must most often fight his own brain and speaking as a crazy person that gets kind’a scary.

Alright yea, yea, ED is like black licorice. Ya like it or ya don’t.

If this is one of those movies that you haven’t quite got to watching yet, that’s always been a maybe on yer to watch list, I say ya have to give it a chance, and no better time than this Halloween.

Ash about to kick some demon ass!

Ash about to kick some demon ass!

Demons, possessed woods, haunted cabin, a dismembered hand seeking revenge on its’ owner, and a chainsaw arm.

I mean what’s not to love.

I promise this movie will…wait for it…swallow yer soul.

Dead by Dawn...(couldn't figure out a way to work it into the regular post)

Dead by Dawn…(couldn’t figure out a way to work it into the regular post)

Jes had to work that in somehow.

Okay so we’re six films down, seven to go.

What do you think might be next, “The Exorcist”,  “30 Days of Night”, “Willard”? Leave yer choices or jes a comment in the box below.


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