Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties

Vel hei alle og velkommen…vent et øyeblikk…lets start again,
Well hey everyone welcome…okay that’s much better.

Sorry bout the Norwegian there it’s just that I’ve been watching hours of “Lilyhammer” the Lilyhammer1Netflix original series.

Okay so yea it’s not new but that’s part of the charm of these posts.

I’m betting that you, like me, might not always immediately start watching a new series jes because it’s the “next big thing”.

Well now ya’ got me to watch it fer ya and let ya know if it’s worth your time.

The New Crew

The New Crew

When “Lilyhammer” fist came out last year I avoided it due to the “Soprano” effect.

What’s that you may ask?

It’s the fear that you will start watching a a series that promises to be a “mob action” show but constantly tries to hide a healthy dose of family drama under the cover of gun shots and bloody wise guys.

It’s like when I was a kid and my mom tried to hide vegetables in the meatloaf.

If I wanted healthy, I’d eat healthy. If I want drama, I’ll go and watch me “Ordinary People”.

There is no overt beat you over the head with the message drama, at least halfway through the 2nd season, in “Lilyhammer”. It is smartly written, quirky and funny.

I have never been a big fan of it’s star, Steven Van Zandt. I think being able to accurately portray one character does not make you an actor (yes that applies as well to “actors” like Clint Eastwood).

Fridtjov Såheim; as the NAV worker Jan Johansen.

But here his character works for me. He is surrounded by such bright and fun individuals that his dour faced mafioso cliche counters the purposefully posed saccharine sweetness of the Norwegian people.


A real rotten Raven.

And that of course brings me to what I love most abut this great series.

Time and time again “Johnny” Van Zandt’s character bumps up against Norway’s crazy socialist political system. Does he bend willingly and take it like a good immigrant tryin to fit in? No he does not. He instead behaves like a good American, a by God free American, and gets things done his way.

I still haven’t got to the end of season two. It’s hard to write and watch the show as you are required to read subtitles, which might be what put some of you off the show.

While it’s never been a problem for me I know some people shy away from watching anything with a second requirement like reading.

Marian Saastad Ottesen as Sigrid Haugli, Giovanni's friend and love interest

Marian Saastad Ottesen; as Sigrid Haugli, Giovanni’s friend and love interest….Also coincidentally enough, my new love interest.

Lastly the little town of Lilliehammer (the name of the series is adjusted to reflect American mangling of the spelling of the Norwegian “Olympic” town) is really beautiful and it’s hard to watch the series and not want to go visit it’s quaint downtown and places like the “Troll” theme park.

“Lilyhammer” is a definite must watch.

If you’ve always thought it was just another “Soprano” knock off well…glemme det

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