E-Life 1.0

So as I sat down yesterday to open and respond to the 89 messages that had piled up in my in-box.

I have of course many WP blog notices rolling in, plus correspondence with a few friends here and there.

While doing that I had also logged into the proverbial Book of Faces and had noticed I had a half dozen “notices” (damn you Coasterville fans I don’t wanna play), as well as a message or two from distant friends with whom I should really stop and touch base.

IMG_0119See I had put in extra hours over the last two weeks on a big house. The previous tenets had been there for over four years and hadn’t cleaned, well not cleaned thoroughly (not really at all) it was apparent and so by later today I should(*ve) finish(*ed) the last touches (*I am starting this post at 6 am but won’t finish it til after work).

Anyway, the point is for the most part I spend these work days alone. Even at times when other coworkers are present, I am doing my own thing, most likely painting, with my music IMG_0321going and headphones blaring.

So in the course of the last two weeks I have had minimal interactions with anyone (even more than so than usual)…in human form.

I do get texts and/or calls from the boss or office manager. I get occasional FB messages or notifications (no thanks Coasterville!) on my new Smart(ass) Phone.

Then I come home and it’s me n’ the cat n’ the ol laptop.

I may (Just between us e-mmunicators) talk to the cat, but she doesn’t talk back.

I’m not sayin I still don’t have friends or in-depth often lengthy conversations. I’m just saying it’s done with my face staring at a blank screen, I’m just saying that I can’t be as expressive in my-municating, or understand as deeply their-munications because of the loss of body language, vocal intonations, facial expressions, breath and pacing.

Okay so yea we have emoticons…:emoticonI’ll give ya that.

It’s like the very least, the lowest impact expressive device that could possibly be created, substituting, filling in for the very real, and in many cases desperately needed, “body” of unspoken language that has been with mankind since we clambered down from the trees.

And still, staring at this glowing, eye straining, unresponsive, emotionless screen I get  excited when that little smiley face appears.

“Whoop-ee look kitty I got two smiley faces and a wink on that comment!”

“Yee-haw now you’re cooking with gas!” Is what I imagine the cat would say…if it could talk.

Maybe I’ll make little cardboard emoticon flip-mask with elastic straps for her to wear.

Okay, well that’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t strap some cardboard get up on my cats head just for my own amusement.

"Yay! She thinks I'm funny!"

“Yay! She thinks I’m funny!”

For the amusement of others? Sure but only if they got the cash, this Catemoticon idea isn’t gonna come cheap.

Why the sutures on my wrists needed to close the raking claw attacks suffered in the securing of the Catemoticon to the little Tiara Sparkles head are sure to run into the thousands of dollars in medical bills alone.

So I e’d and im’d and text’d all of my e-friends my great new idea.

“Look Tiara I got I two smileys, a wink and a laffer.”

“Yer King o’ the Blogosphere pet abuser.”

She always kids like that.

Now get this &%$# off my head!

Now get this &%$# off my head!

3 thoughts on “E-Life 1.0

    • L and has fabulous ol’s Professor no that’s jes a day n a half’s worth. I start out strong on Monday then fall behind by Friday :). If’n I’m working too much there’ll be more left over than usual but I still usually get ’em cleaned out by Sunday…
      Thanks fer stoppin by, I’m laughing at yer stuff right now.
      Annyway thanks again

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