Old Poems from Outta’ the Box

Recently after having moved I decided I would go through my “Writings” boxes and kind’a clean house a little…

We all, all us writers produce far more material than ever sees the light of day, or retire somethings to a memory box having moved on from an idea or a style.

While condensing, compiling and cleaning out however I also came on a number of poems that had never made it, for whatever reason on to any of my blogs.

I thought I would rectify the situation here on RWR beginning with this.poem entitled…


I have lost better poems than this

Boxes crammed

Notebooks full abandoned under

Rapid retreat



Scribbled on a Del Taco napkin or

On the back of the phone bill

Thrown away as trash

Ponderin  lost Poems.

Ponderin lost Poems.


Once in awhile one returns to me

As clear as when I first wrote it

Flash of insight like

When out walking or

Mowing the lawn

Sometimes I remember them vaugely

A title

Clever phrase

Other times nothing

Not even enough to miss

What I’ve forgotten

Only the knowlegde that

I have indeed

Lost better poems than this one

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