Old Poems from Outta The Box

Here’s an old one I wrote for my  two middle children, the Auganga Kid and Miss Bug, when they were just toddlers way back in the mid-nineties now.

It’s based on something the (then little) Auganga Kid invented to explain some kid caused calamity and I just elaborated.

I hope you enjoy.


Monsters in the House


There are monsters in the kitchen,

And they like to use the chairs,

To help them get the cookies then leave

Crumbs from here to there.


There are monsters in the bathroom

And this really is no joke,

‘Cause they dump out all our good shampoo

And crumble up our soap.


These monsters so you tell me

Look like purple fuzzy rats.

You think we could get rid of them

If we only bought a cat.


The monsters eat up doughnuts,

Sliced bread and yellow cheese.

Apples, grapes, and pastry cakes

But leave carrots and the peas.


When I ask why I can’t see them,

You say they’re much too fast.

My eyes, you say, are way too old

To spot those tricky rats.


These rats they steal our color crayons

And decorate our walls.

They once plugged up the bathroom sink

Just to see a waterfall.


And when night comes we’re all in bed

The whole house settles down,

I hear some snicker giggles and

A thumping bumping sound.


I climb from bed, clump down the hall.

Yes I’m feeling kind of mad.

Laughing amid the tangled sheets you squeal

Just missed ’em Dad.


There are monsters in our house.

I believe you that it’s true.

It is only lucky that I love them,

Just as much as I love you.

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