Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties

Well hello everyone it’s been quite awhile since we’ve all had time to sit down together and watch any movies on our favorite streaming service NetFlix but tonight I’ve talked everyone



to come over and watch one of my personal favorites that’s just hit the New Releases category.

Now if you haven’t seen one of these NFN&N posts before, remember the purpose isn’t to thoroughly review those big new movies on NetFlix.

No we’re not even really technically reviewing* the movies we talk about, at least that’s not the main impetus, we just wanted to be more like a clearing house of info, here to point out the good (and bad) movies you may not normally have the time or desire to sift through on NetFlix.

Sure Hunger Games, Skyfall, Avengers & more are all on NetFlix right now, but if ya haven’t seen ’em, you’ve at least heard about them. Also there’s the fact that most likely you and everyone else have gotten all the news, reviews, thumbs up or down etc, regarding these films.

But what about those other films, those nuggets and or nasties that make up the rest of the 80-90% of NetFlix?

220px-PontypoolposterWhat about Pontypol, Deathwatch (great nuggets) and Cockneys & bad movies 2Zombies or  In The Name Of The King(Nasties)?

Now there are a couple caveats to these NFN&N posts.


The first is really a two in one kinda deal,  my age and location.

I’m old(ish) n not up to date on the internet hipster subculture so once in awhile we may review a nugget or nasty that is a already semi or well known social media (cult) favorite (Detective Dee for instance). Often when I get excited about a movie the rest of the staff has to point out that in fact it was pretty popular. Sometimes I have already written and published the post when they tell me this.

But added to it is the fact we live and work in a 1 theater town. Many great movies with limited releases never make it to Palace City.

The other exception to this rule is of course, the extraordinary number of fantastic older hit movies that are regularly available on NetFlix. Many of you, being of course much younger, may not have seen and might possibly overlook some great films…

Which leads us to today’s NetFlix Nugget.

 Angel Heart220px-Angel_Heart

This 1987 (Sir)Alan Parker film starring De Niro & Rourke is, despite some now dated 80’s movie-isms (Mickey Rourke as a leading man and check out the smooth sax soundtrack aka Lethal Weapon) is definitely a must see film for movie lovers.

Okay first let me say that if you love the art of film making, any Alan Parker film is a safe bet. I haven’t watched every film of his, Angela’s Ashes is a fine example, but many people love it and swear it’s a beautiful film.

His resume though is quite impressive and of course he has been knighted by the queen and made one of my favorite movies “Pink Floyd’s-The Wall” so there’s all that.

But enough about the good Sir Parker and back to Lisa Bonet’s Breasts, well okay Lisa Bonet..


I once owned a well worn copy of this video 🙂

Her breasts were great in this film, but If there is a weakness to this film it’s her portrayal of Voo-Doo (Vodou) priestess Epiphany Proudfoot…

Maybe Sir Parker thought her breasts were better at acting than she was.

Maybe Sir Parker thought her breasts were better at acting than she was. What you thought I was gonna make a Janet Jackson reference didn’t ya?

It was a big deal when the film came out, remember she was a Huxtable…Mr. Cosby himself commented negatively in the press regarding her choices and it was the end of her character on “The Cosby Show”…(For you younger readers TV in the mid to late 80’s was “The Cosby Show” & then a bunch of other shows.)

Besides Miss Bonet the rest of the cast is outstanding. Di Nero is of course, amazing in his portrayal of the mysterious rich client who hires Mickey Rourke’s hard boiled, whiskey basted, gumshoe detective.

Di Nero's deliciously debonair and devious.

Di Nero’s deliciously debonair and devious.

Private Investigator Harry Angel (Rourke) is hired by Di Nero’s character through a surrogate to find a missing pre-WW II crooner known as Johnny Favorite.

Rourke is perfect as Angel, the surly, sloppy Brooklyn P.I.

Hoping to get ahead in the case, he gets a hand instead.

Hoping to get ahead in the case, he gets a hand instead.

The Mickey Rourke we have in this (and other 80’s movies) was the small, edgey, “serious aboout his craft” Rourke…before the all the boxing nonsense and the Charles Atlas transformation. I’ mean seriously Mickey! I understand working our but… it’s like you cloned yourself and then swallowed the clone whole. Granted, you now bring double the Rourke intensity to every freakishly misshapen roll you play I’ll give ya that, but how many of those roles can there be Mick? Can I call ya Mick?

Wow I’m already well over 500 words & I haven’t really talked about the movie much let alone that it comes from a good book called, Fallen Angel. But that’s okay ’cause this is a movie best seen with as little fore-knowledge as possible.

If you haven’t seen Angel Heart we heart-ily suggest you check it out on NetFlix asap.

If you’re an old movie buff like me and you remember this great film check it out again and see how well this psych/thriller period piece, stands the test of time.


Jesus what’s th…oh Mickey sorry. Say ya know what I’m thinking…Hunchback II, Until the Last Bell Rings huh? Huh? See this time ol’  Hunchy is a bare knuckle brawler in an underground…





Old Poems from Outta’ the Box

Hi all, adding yet another older poem I dug outta my writing box after moving.

If yer interested in seeing more of my older poetry you can see some of my California stuff here, and newer stuff from a couple years back here….

But right now here’s a short little poem from my first year in S.D.


God Don’t Mind that I Kilt this Here Deer

On my TV

Nightly news head

Interviewing man saying

In South Dakota

Hunting is like a religion

And the deer hung by it’s hinds

From the rafters of the garage

Dripping blood splatter pools on the gray cement

As children dance around

Proud Papa


Lint Compactor?

One of the things I love about living in a house vs. an apartment is having the washer and dryer available (Yes I know some apartments have such appliances in them, I’ve never lived in such, and still my following comments apply).

In many apartments the washer and dryers are only better than a laundromat in that you hh11don’t have to load the whole shebang into the car and transfer it to a separate location.

Living in a house, the washer and dryer are only steps away. It’s no extra trouble to do a load a day if that’s the way you want to go.Happy mom

No, there’s no denying that having your own place with these specific appliances makes human life much more leisurely.

However there is one area that having a washer and dryer in the house really causes me trouble.

And I guess it’s more specifically the dryer.


Some say use it for mulch.

The problem is lint. The never ending battle against the by-productial invader.

Lint is not just my problem. A lot of people have issues with the seemingly innocuous particles lint 2of multi-colored fuzz.

Some spend hours getting rid of lint 3it. Some just let it pile up.



Others have turned it into art.

Lint Supper

Lint Supper

But no matter how we look at it, trash or art lint is, like death and taxes, inevitable.

So the other day, as I emptied my lint tray for the ol’ umpteenth time I had an idea.lint 1

See recently I’d been working with insulation, and as I pulled it from the tray it came to me that lint, utilizing the right application technique might make quite adequate building insulation.

There  by taking a  at this point waste by product that we all can’t help but produce pounds of  year, and turn it into something useful.

I mean conceivably we could all be using aluminum cans and other human cast off refuse to build houses…but let’s start here.

The way I envision it, each dryer vent hose is now run to a “lint compactor”. Upon reachingdryer 3 capacity the compactor wraps the lint in a flame retardant bag and spits out a compressed block of insulating fibers. The consumer just has to remember to keep the machine stocked with bags.

Now the technical aspects I’ll leave to someone else…I’m just baby ponderinan idea man…but designing and building a prototype shouldn’t be that difficult for someone with the right kind of technical abilities.

I mean maybe I’m wrong ’cause like I said I’m just an idea man, but the lint compactor would certainly be an environmental plus around the house.

Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties

Hey Everyone happy sunny Saturday and welcome to another edition of Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties…

Used without permission

Used without permission

We’ve reviewed a lot of great Nugget movies so far, and last episode we even took some time to look at one of the Nasties.

But Netflix has so much more to offer, original series, comedy specials and documentaries…a lot of documentaries.

Now if you are like us, a good documentary is a great choice for an evenings viewing pleasure.

Oh sure you could watch the old stand-by’s, meaning anything by Ken Burns the Maestro

Mr. Documentary

Mr. Documentary

of Mental Media.

But there’s so much more available, even beyond the regular Nat Geo, or Animal Planets “When Animals Attack Children XII” or TLC’s “Alien Ghost Squad”.

But out of all the choices of Neftflix how do you know which is worth your time.

Well of course that’s where we here at RWR come to you, our genteel readers assistance.

So welcome one and all to Netflix Nuggets Documentary Edition.

But don’t worry we start off nice and easy with a couple of fun and fascinating little features.

We’ll leave the heavy stuff for a future post.

But right now lets look at these…



Don’t Miss me! Click Here for the Video

1. “You’re Gonna Miss Me”

This wonderful and for me at least completely revelatory 2005 Documentary by Keven McAlester turns the filmmakers lens on the pioneering yet largely unknown rock band the 13th Floor Elevators and the co-founding (and somewhat confounded) frontman, Roky Erickson.

I will link sites and music for the band, but this is about the documentary, or more specifically to convince you to watch this interesting well executed film.

“You;re Gonna Miss Me” focuses mainly on Roky Erikson groovalicious guitarists, singer who along with Tommy Hall may have (questions remain) coined the term psychedelic rock.

Tommy Hall played…wait fer it…electric jug.

Electric Jug, I mean that alone is worth the viewing investment.

The story of the movie is really about Roky. His battles with schizophrenia, whether simply Roky Roksborn as such, or whether large quantities of acid (LSD) may have helped precipitate or even be causal is one of the questions this film delves into, as well as exploring the relation between original thinking and madness, commercial success and artistic success, and finally our treatment of the…artistically enhanced.

13th_Floor_ElevatorsBut even though 1965 wasn’t quite the heyday of recreational acid use, and though Austin. 13th F. E.’s hometown wasn’t San Fransisco, kids all over America were starting bands in their garage, dropping acid, and rocking out to light shows at the local legion hall.

What makes our Subject and his fellows so different is that the bands that came to national attention just a  few years later in a place called Haight Ashbury, well known and big named, all name 13th Floor Elevators as a big influence.

We’re not saying it, none of us at RWR had heard of this band until we watched the documentary (way back in 2012 lol).

Now of course the music cycles in the playlists at least a couple of times a day here at Blogaphesto Headquarters, though we’ve backed off on the acid use a little.

No, but seriously electric jug on acid is what we here believe drove Roky over the edge.

Even though there is some drama in “You’re Gonna Miss Me”, it is never overbearing, over simplified, and the touchier subject matter…mainly Roky himself is handled with respect and care.

13th Floor Elevators not a ride to miss.

2. “Confessions of a Superhero”220px-CSH_Poster

Not to be confused with “Real Super Heroes” which was also, unless all the acid we took researching 13th F. E. has gone to our heads, a documentary we watched on Netfix a year or so ago…but it’s gone away and all we can find now are references to the new *** show, but ya know screw those Hated Bastard’s Over at our enemy station…

confessions of a super heroBesides “Confessions of a Superhero” this fun documentary realeased in 2007 by director Matthew Ogens features Christopher Dennis as a pot smoking son of Krypton.

Best to keep Hulk feelin' mellow.

Best to keep Hulk feelin’ mellow.

Now to more precise Mr. Dennis doesn’t think he’s Superman…no rest assured, he’s actually crazier.

Mr Demille! Mr. Demille

Mr Demille! Mr. Demille

Like many of the other character’s (using the word literately here) in this documentaries focus Mr. Dennis does this gig, protraying America’s man o’ Steel on the Hollywood Walk of Fame(sic) thinking someday he’s going to be discovered, going to become a Hollywood big shot.

confessions-of-a-superhero 5Of course he’d upgrade to a bigger mobile home.

“CoaS” has a great cast of oddball wanna-be’s, dreamers & confessions of a super hero 1wackanoodles, a little emotional drama (or hilarious sad sackery) and even some intense hero on hero confrontation.

If you give this film a chance, we promise you will fell better about whatever miserable little life you have.

confessionssuperhero1Where else can you find Batman Superman, the Hulk,Wonder women, mixing it up with Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, Marilyn Monroe and oh wait is that another Hulk ohConfessions of a Superhero movie image Christopher Dennis crap.

“CoaS” not quite Kick Ass, not even Real Super Heroes, but real fun and another hidden Nugget on our Netflix List.

Stay tuned as next episode we review that newly released smash hit “The Croods” without even watching it.

E-Life 1.0

So as I sat down yesterday to open and respond to the 89 messages that had piled up in my in-box.

I have of course many WP blog notices rolling in, plus correspondence with a few friends here and there.

While doing that I had also logged into the proverbial Book of Faces and had noticed I had a half dozen “notices” (damn you Coasterville fans I don’t wanna play), as well as a message or two from distant friends with whom I should really stop and touch base.

IMG_0119See I had put in extra hours over the last two weeks on a big house. The previous tenets had been there for over four years and hadn’t cleaned, well not cleaned thoroughly (not really at all) it was apparent and so by later today I should(*ve) finish(*ed) the last touches (*I am starting this post at 6 am but won’t finish it til after work).

Anyway, the point is for the most part I spend these work days alone. Even at times when other coworkers are present, I am doing my own thing, most likely painting, with my music IMG_0321going and headphones blaring.

So in the course of the last two weeks I have had minimal interactions with anyone (even more than so than usual)…in human form.

I do get texts and/or calls from the boss or office manager. I get occasional FB messages or notifications (no thanks Coasterville!) on my new Smart(ass) Phone.

Then I come home and it’s me n’ the cat n’ the ol laptop.

I may (Just between us e-mmunicators) talk to the cat, but she doesn’t talk back.

I’m not sayin I still don’t have friends or in-depth often lengthy conversations. I’m just saying it’s done with my face staring at a blank screen, I’m just saying that I can’t be as expressive in my-municating, or understand as deeply their-munications because of the loss of body language, vocal intonations, facial expressions, breath and pacing.

Okay so yea we have emoticons…:emoticonI’ll give ya that.

It’s like the very least, the lowest impact expressive device that could possibly be created, substituting, filling in for the very real, and in many cases desperately needed, “body” of unspoken language that has been with mankind since we clambered down from the trees.

And still, staring at this glowing, eye straining, unresponsive, emotionless screen I get  excited when that little smiley face appears.

“Whoop-ee look kitty I got two smiley faces and a wink on that comment!”

“Yee-haw now you’re cooking with gas!” Is what I imagine the cat would say…if it could talk.

Maybe I’ll make little cardboard emoticon flip-mask with elastic straps for her to wear.

Okay, well that’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t strap some cardboard get up on my cats head just for my own amusement.

"Yay! She thinks I'm funny!"

“Yay! She thinks I’m funny!”

For the amusement of others? Sure but only if they got the cash, this Catemoticon idea isn’t gonna come cheap.

Why the sutures on my wrists needed to close the raking claw attacks suffered in the securing of the Catemoticon to the little Tiara Sparkles head are sure to run into the thousands of dollars in medical bills alone.

So I e’d and im’d and text’d all of my e-friends my great new idea.

“Look Tiara I got I two smileys, a wink and a laffer.”

“Yer King o’ the Blogosphere pet abuser.”

She always kids like that.

Now get this &%$# off my head!

Now get this &%$# off my head!

From Chupa Mi Heuvos to Мені подобаються твої груди N Everything in Between

Two quick thoughts.

When two men from different countries, different cultures meet for the first time what do they discuss, politics, religious or social differences?

Okay everyone who already knows how to say "Hey Baby nice gams!"" in Mandarin raise their hand.

Okay everyone who already knows how to say “Hey Baby nice gams!”” in Mandarin raise their hand.

No they discuss two things only. How to pick up women and how to insult another guy.

Of all the things we could find out, we rush to this.

It might seem like a real shame, but in retrospect, we, on some deeper genetic level have the need to take care of our needs first, how to find a female friend and how to fend off rivals.

How ’bout you gals? I’m wondering what the heck do you discuss, yea men of course but…

Is it men and shoes, men and dish patterns, men and money?

The second thought is that probably 3000, no wait, the internet is huge, 30,000 other “impressed with their self” a-holes have had this original thought before me and thrown it on the net.

Oh it is to laugh.

And I guess that’s the real magic of the net we can all be uniquely original together.

Electronic Life 7.0

So Hi and all happy greetings, you’ve (probably) stumbled into RWR or Random Writes & Rongs and today we’re going to visit one of our most popular themes with at least five likes…the Electronic Life series.

And so we’ve all had to get used to this new googlizing of our lives,and I’m sure in E.L. 4 or 5 or one of those I have ranted about t a little bit.

But I mean the other day…

I don’t know if it’s any worse or not.

But it was certainly funnier.

See something I may have never mentioned in any of my blogs is that (secret nerd alert) I enjoy Skyrim during my occasional Xbox time.skyrim

And alright for those of you who play you can skip the next paragraph if’n you want.

Anyway so yes I play Skyrim and as part of the game you have the option to buy an electronic house in a number of the digital cities. Super nerdy I know but that’s not the point of this post so hold off in your mockery for a few more minutes.


The Floater


Wrong Way Glitch

Of course like many games of this nature they tend to develop a glitch or two. My Skyrim game is no exception but wait…

I’m getting ahead of myself see, I hadn’t yet discovered that it was glitching.


City of Windhelm

I had accomplished all the steps and had been named Thane of Windhelm and had the 12,000 gold to give his steward and normally then I’d get a dialogue option regarding furnishing my new house. All you non-gamers just got  real kick a real kick out of that didn’t ya.


Furnished Windhelm House.


My Windhelm house!

Anyway again see that option wasn’t coming up. And after a couple reloads I wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed any steps so…And here’s where we get to the start of the funny part everyone…I went onto Google and without thinking typed into the search bar “furnish my house in windhelm“…now the search led me right to the info I needed which explained the glitch in such a way that I realized my house in Windhelm would forever remained blood stained and trash strewn even though I now have a housecarl to sit in a chair and guard the empty fixer upper.

No wait that wasn’t the funny part it’s still coming.

See for the past week on my Yahoo account and on my Facebook the sidebar ads popping up are all for local furniture and home decor stores.

Ya know if yer gonna spy on us for profit, you should make sure there’s profit involved.

I spy with my little red eye!

I spy with my little red eye!


The Creepeist Classic Christmas Special

Well here we are heading into the Christmas season. All the traditions , all our great American Chr..Holiday traditions are pulled out of our collective cultural closet dusted off and displayed in the .twinkly lights of holiday magic.

M& M commercials,  Budweiser commercials, Hallmark commercials…SCCT 9

Okay well I’m being silly of course there’s more than just commercials. There’s the two dozen or so scheduled TV Christmas specials, but really who knows what they are anymore.It’s the classics that count

When I was a boy you waited all year to watch “Rudolph”. “Charlie Brown” “Grinch” etc. Now those Christmas Classics are available year round. Which of course is usually a good thing and really doesn’t take away from the joy and specialness that almost all of these classics bring to the season…

Almost all of them.

See of course I own the whole set of ’em, “Rudolph”, “Frosty” “Charlie” “Grinch” (the real one), “Christmas Story” I even own the knock offs like the dreadful “Little Drummer Boy” & “The Christmas Cricket” and new eventual classics like “Elf”

But of course even the knock offs even the lamest or worst of the above I would gladly spend the season watching if I didn’t have to ever again view the subject of this post, that (considered)companion classic to “Rudolph” & “Frosty”…

Santa Claus is Coming To Town” this Rankin Bass stop motion children’s* TV special SCICTT_covercame out in 1970 and featured a lot of big stars voicing the main characters which begs the question…did they read the script before they signed the contract.

There is so much wrong with this movie, so much that makes it not appropriate for children that I could fill three posts,but we’ll get to the creepiest factor at the bottom of the post.

Let’s first focus on the movie itself. It’s set up is painfully laughable, an obvious and SCCT 3pathetic attempt to follow the “Rudolph” format, but instead of a cool (yes pun) snowman we get a weird mailman named “S.D. Kluger” why he even needed a name I can’t figure out but if you were gonna name him…

Of course like their red nosed guide book, SCCT has a snow based monster, but unlikeSCCT “Rudolph” the bad guy turns out to be really okay and it’s the authorities who are the real SCCT 6bad guys…this was the 1970’s what else would you expect.

Which brings me to my worst moment for your kid to watch.

In one scene as our hero, Kris Kringle first enters the gray and dingy Sombertown he encounters kids who are complaining about their mistreatment at the hands of their evil parents. The evil that is being done against them? Chores.These poor kids are being forced to do chores. In this specific case washing their socks out.

SCCT 4I could go on and on about this film it’s inappropriateness, inconsistencies and  SCCT 5inadequacy but this post was about it’s creepy qualities.

There are many in this little special, but there is one that stands out as so creepy, the others fade as mist at the coming of the Sun.

Now I really wish I could add video here, (I can only afford to do that on a couple of my blogs), because you really need to hear this song to appreciate it. so I suggest after finishing here you click on the link. I couldn’t find the full video but I found a funny little snippet I’ll link,and then also the full song but with no video for those hardcore fans.

So ol’ Kris has come to Sombertown to give kids toys, that seems pretty harmless right, until you hear him sing his sales pitch…

Oh, what a good girl
Oh, what a good boy
Oh what a big smile
All because of a toy!

If you sit on my lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you’ll paySCCT 7
When you tell what you wish for —
In a whisper
Be prepared to pay.

If you sit on my lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you’ll pay
When you sit on my left knee
Don’t be stingy
Be prepared to pay.

If whenever you take
You give a little back
Then whoever you love
Will give a little love back
So give a little love
Get a little love back
Don’t you have a little love
That you want to get back

If you sit on his lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you’ll pay
When you sit on his left knee
Don’t be stingy
Be prepared to pay.

Now if you sit on my lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you’ll pay!

Okay well enough said there.

When this movie isn’t being creepy it’s either boring or age inappropriate and yet I can’t wait to watch it every year.

It’s gotta be the Burgermiester.

My Hero

My Hero

New Holidays for a New Time

Once in every long while in a peoples lives, in a cultures existence there comes those times of transition from the old archaic ways, to the new, to the heralded, the clarion call of change.

I’m sure it is the way the druids felt when they saw their faithful flock abandoning the winter jeanron-Druids Cut the Sacred Mistletoesolstice festival in favor of the new fangled Christ’s Mass.

And so it’s gone with Thanksgiving.

Which maybe should be renamed Thanks n’ Getting (I like it, If no one else has said I think I’ll coin that :)).

Anyway, I don’t think there is much of the old Thanksgiving left anymore. Oh to be sure there are homes where it is still celebrated, pockets of resistance il_570xN.259220000but culturally the concept that this is our American Holiday of Thankfulness & Quiet Reverence has been successfully obfuscated by the American left, the Humanists, whoever…doesn’t matter.

So Thanks N’ Getting week-end begins.

\We spend the morning hustling about cooking and scrambling to make sure everything looks like it did for traditional thanksgiving (part of Thanks N’ Getting is self denial that anything has changed).

We now pause briefly with our family to give thanks for all the stuff we have, then gobble as much food as we possibly can stuff into our gullets. Then help ourselves to just a little belt unloosening more.

As fast as our now sluggish bodies can we can clear out all the food and clean the dishes (maybe) so we can use the living room as an F.O.B.  Someone starts Xmas music which puts everybody in a happy buying mood as the ads are laid out on the table with gleeWalmart-Black-Friday-2011-Ad-01.

The excitement builds and we get our second wind. Gathering the whole family we begin to plan an all out assault on the local retail outlets.

What specials are where? Which store open’s first? Assignments are handed out and the family forces divide up to maximize buying power and assure a successful Black Friday Bonanza-Rama!

Which, by the way what I think the day two of this four day Thanks n’ Getting Holiday week-end should be officially called from now on.

So now we have two new holidays coming, evolving out of the boring old stuffy overly, overtly religious holiday of our squaresville ancestors. But why stop there I ask you?

Next we can do Share-It Day ( the Saturday following Thanks N’ Getting) when we all post the best deals, specials or  buys from BFB. It doesn’t matter if it’s Facebook or largest-flat-screen-tvPintrest or whatever’s popular at the moment as long as share we do. If your immediate family has out purchased your extended family or friends in one of the following areas. electronics, toys, housewares, or As Seen on TV items you win bragging rights or “In Your Face-isms” for a full year.

So far this is getting to be a slam bang week-end that can’t be beat but I got a topper for them all.

I know, I know how can that be possible? How can I top myself after already creating three new kick-butt holidays?

See after buying all that new stuff we always look around and see all the old stuff we don’t need. This happens as the culmination of old Saturday. Usually this was a time of guilt, even remorse.

Rich  families in false humbletuidity of their blessing would vow to donate old items to a charity. Lesser families to assuage the guilt of the spending orgy do much the same.

Taste Like Guilt

Taste Like Guilt

But this is the new holiday. There’s no need for such guilt.

I have a solution to such wasted emotion, after all what do we have to feel guilty for? This is the season of getting.

That guilty feeling you may temporarily be experiencing is associated with the old archaic beliefs and systems. In fact so is sympathy for those less fortunate.

If you don’t have the finances, credit rating, or other means to eat well and shop merrily on Thanks N’ Getting or BFB, why should any one feel sorry for you at the end of SiD? Why should we feel guilty any longer?

So I bought a new 72″ flat screen to change out the old 52″  in the den. I needed to do that because it’s gonna replace the old 48″  we have in the toddler’s bedroom that’s just too darn small for him now that he’s growing up.

Should we donate that outdated and tiny TV? Should I donate or throw away any of that extra stuff? Why? When there’s another perfectly good way to utilize this detritus to keep the holiday week-end going.

I suggest…

Sacrilegious Sunday.

Here’s what ya do. Load up the husband, the kids, the three Ethiopian adoptees, the aunts, cousins, grandma, the more the merrier. Shove ’em all in the your new Jeep Wrangler. Don’t forget to tie off all yer old gizmos and gadgets, whatnot’s and assorted what have yous on top luggage rack.

Now head down to your nearest local church. If it’s Christian it doesn’t matter what denomination. Just  make sure it’s either that,  a Catholic Church,  a Cathedral’s even better…or if there nothing nearby go with a Jewish temple as a last resort.

It’s the most fun if you use social media to host a big event but either way, park right up front and wait for the saps to come out.

Get the family ready, line the kids up at the curb. Mom can climb on top of the van and be in charge of handing out the trash…

Wait till they’re exiting and looking all happy and content and peaceful. Then just start throwing all the now useless stuff at the ground at their feet. Throw_out_TV

Do not throw it at them, This is not about hurting anyone.

It is to show them and their stupid old fashioned ways that the stuff isn’t important to us either. It’s not about the stuff.

It’s about the getting of the stuff.

Well there ya have it the new Holiday weekend; four holidays in one: Thanks N’ Getting, Black Friday Bonanza-Rama, Share-it Day, & Sacrilegious Sunday. (trademarks pending).

Just more groovalicious ideas brought to you by the brilliant minds at RWR.

RWR Head of Project Oversite

RWR Head of Project Oversite

Electronic Life 6.0

Well before we begin I just want to let everyone know of the changes that are taking place at RWR.

If already a member of RWR please take advantage of our new sign in process now using RWR sign inthe 27bit digitally encrypted scramble cloud code we mobile im’d you before the 15 min time window expires.  If your code has expired you must wait thirty minutes for a new DESC code to be sent.

If you are not yet an exclusive member well read below for the important reasons why you should not feel safe surfing the web until you sign up for…

RWR: Blog. Special Help & Intel Team

There are a lot of issues facing the modern electronically wired blog reader today. from the NSA and our own government tracking our communications and our browsing habits, to Google and Yahoo selling those habits to the highest bidder and those are just the big guys. The tip of the iceberg floating above the water.

And we all know what they say about the tip of the iceberg?

Well here at RWR we take our readers online security very seriously.

  • We promise to never sell any of the personal data you divulge to us.
  • WE immediately report any suspicious activities we notice on your account.

If you do not have an account with us at this time please take this opportunity to sign up using the special discount promo offers below and. RWR help

  • we will immediately start reporting suspicious activities to you!

Our team of white hat technicians are compensated at well above their countries standard of poverty and are here to assist and defend you against.

identity theft – information theft – intellectual property theft


malware – spyware – adware – una-ware – even underware. rwr spy

Don’t be a Victim to any one Else but let RWR…stand between you and Bad Guys.

rwrWe have a cloud made out of the Wolverine metal, that really tough one. Which means not only does the cloud heal itself faster after being hacked, it also has a bad attitude and nice sideburns.

But thats how we roll at RWR your securities and special secrets are at the top of our list. So trust us with them and you will never be a victim again, after that.

We give you the RWR 100% money back guarantee.

So if you’re not already a member of RWR B.S.H.& I.T. join up today and take advantage of our Gold membership at half the price.

Here’s what you

  • Gold members earn points for every dollar they spend with RWR that can be redeemed at almost every local restaurant and entertainment venues.*(see details below for city location and any restrictions)
  • Gold Members also get access to fast pass so when purchasing from RWR your monies transferred to us are no longer held for the normal two days but transferred to our account immediately and we will cut the fees to send us this money by 50%. (50% we must be crazy). Loco Genariso Amigo!

Or you can go big. The Platinum Package, which is only a small increase in your overall monthly package price.

Less than that round of Starbucks you bought  for your whole family today.

And you will get the safety and security of RWR B.S.H.& I.T. Platinum

  • We will keep you up to date with e-mail offers, specials, community groups, alerts and of course our twice daily special offer alert group newsletter.
  • We will re-route all of your e-mail to our super secure servers to be open and screened by our highly trained staff who have been carefully selected for their e-mail opening abilities.
  • Our FB fanatics squad will peruse and lurk your friends list, and friends of friends list rwr 124/7 keeping careful watch to see if anything is ever said bad about you, by any one of your friends or their friends, between friends-and if such activity is detected.
  • Our FBF squad will spring into action utilizing your fb profile to mock, scorn, insult and if necessary threaten bodily harm upon said friend or group of friends.

Just another way we’re working to protect you our reader…

But we can’t start unless you sign up and begin sending us you private info. So join now choose a name. pick a pass word and check out all your options with

B.S.H.& I.T. brought to you by you friends @ RWR RWR reg form