Mornings with the Mouse

One of the best parts of my life is the time I get to spend with Lil’ Mouse…my amazing woman….and I think the one thing that almost no one knows about her is how funny she is…It’s one of the secret sides of her that most people never get to see…

Like this morning. We usually get ready together every morning, so that’s not unusual, and I love listening to Lil’ Mouse tell me about the day she has ahead of her, her rendition of the latest news from NPR, Lil’ Mouse is just a tad more liberal than I lol…or we discuss the news of the morning from CBS (She can do a great impression of me rantin about media bias). Most mornings I shower while she gets busy with girl business (make up etc)…

Now here it’s important that you understand that I singout louda lot…it’s just one of my quirks. (I have done this since I have been a wee unit, randomly burst into song, the first [non kid] song I remember memorizing was Build Me Up Buttercup[first kid song Puff the Magic Dragon]) And me being in the shower…of course, well…

Also of note, lately I’ve been on this early seventies kick, Sly & the Family Stone, Dr John, BT Express, Stevie Wonder, even some old Chicago (amazing how much better a track like Beginnings or Questions 67 & 68 sounds remastered)…oh and lame hits as well, I Think I love You, It’s Now or Never and…Shilo


So that’s where we’re at see, the scene is set. I’m in the shower, soaping up my fuzzy noggin. Lil’ Mouse is tryin this new braid in front of the full length mirror….and I belt out

Young Child with Dreams…”

Lil Mouse groans.

Dream every dream on your own”

“Really” she says eying me sideways using the mirror.

When Children play…”

“Neil Diamond?”

Seems like you end up alone.”

See look he can Rock

“The Anti-Neil?” She doesn’t like Neil Diamond, cause she loves Neil Young, if you can follow that logic you might understand just one of the reasons I adore her…

Then comes the octave switch (Lil Mouse knows I just don’t sing Neil fer his kitschy value, but because he’s in my vocal range[especially now I’m older])

Papa said he longs to be with you…”

“How did he ever get to be a sex symbol?”

If he had the time. So you turn to the only friend you can find

“Oh yea this is the ‘imaginary friend’ song”

There in your mind…”

Shilo when I was young…I used to call your name…”

“Just who is this Shilo…?”

Mmm? I started singing ahead in my brain I mean, I knew the answer didn’t I…I’ve heard, sung this song a million (gross exg.) times…It was a kid right I mean, not a dog that was the book…okay my mouth was singing…”When no one else would come?”…but my brain was thinking…”Shilo she…” definitely kid, girl…

Okay wha happened?

“He’s such an odd mix of bland and creepy”

Okay she got me, that made me laugh, I stopped and said,

“Shilo’s a girl, a like, little girl I think….”

“Isn’t that weird?” she asked, she didn’t have to expound on the question….

Okay well, Maybe these shirts were cool? Somewhere? Las Vegas? .Liberace's summer house?

“Yes, I guess, yes, I think it kinda is…you mean to have a small Jewish boy with a imaginary, southern, ‘Jodie Foster’ like friend named Shilo…

“I don’t think Shilos a little girl, not judging from his music, his career…”

“Oh…” I began

“I think his imaginary friend is an old lady who watches soap operas.  They discuss her grandchildren, her operations and the sales at Walgreen’s.”

Okay well, I can't even defend this...I mean, c'mon Neil!

Oh it is to laugh…she’s got me there

Anyway, here’s the best I could find fer a YouTube video of a young(sorry honey) Neil Diamond)(notice how the announcer seems confused over “Shilo’s”  gender also


Okay and just for Lil Mouse…one of the “Real Neil”…enjoy