Hey Buddy Can Ya Spare a Rhyme

Good almost humanly warm Saturday everyone. Recently I had the pleasure of coming across a fun and friendly blog-maestro, his blog pouringmyartout is fun, funny, inventive and as original and…mmm…unpredictable as the artist writing (drawing) it.

50 Shades of Gravy

50 Shades of Gravy-Click on the Glasses and join in the biggest boldest social experiment in…oh at least two or three weeks.

Anyway, he also is quite vigilant and verbose in his comment section, and often, as I’ve noticed with a few of the blog’s I follow, the comments become a big part of the enjoyment of reading their posts.

Again and anyway, recently he’s gone on a, I guess almost religious crusade of sorts, a spiritual journey to see what will happen if he builds himself an electronic “Tower of Babble” as it were, pushing the limits, challenging the god’s of the word (press), rocketing himself toward…

No one is quite sure yet and that’s the excitement. How far can it go? What if it never stops? Is there some sort of cosmic computer balance that this brave explorer is the beib 1threatening to tip? And will the awesome power of the net-o-verse tip in his favor a la Justin Bieber, or against him a la…Justin Bieber?the bieb 2

What do we care really, our fun is in the participatory experience.

Okay and so you’ll see in reading that you don’t have to write a poem…I just thought it was a fun title fer this post.

So why am I still talking…

Here, another link for ya…go there…now…make history…n maybe some new friends.