Not a Mouse in the House

Well hello and all…it hasn’t been so long since my last post, I have had far longer lulls, but of course aren’t there times when time seems subjective…

On our second date.

On our second date.

And yea speaking of time…it’s the end of an era here at ol RWR as Lil Mouse has decided it was time to move on. She’d had enough of the ol Unit and his Dysfunctional ways.

Our relationship was based on one truth. Some day she would no longer need what I clankitily, crankily, brought to the table.

When I met Lil Mouse she was a downtown shop girl with dreams. Now those dreams have come true and she’s is ready to start a new dream. I cannot hold it against her if at 27 years old if those dreams don’t include a raggedy 53 year old man, well not on a day to day basis anyway, at this point I assume I’m still in those dreams, just in a new smaller role.

Whatever those dreams hold, where ever they take her she’s a special now a special woman and I wish her all the best.

Good Bye Lil Mouse

And so one era ends and new one begins….okay that makes it seem like there are major changes coming to the blogs, and the truth is short of not using Lil Mouse as a source of humorous material, I am just not sure what this change in my personal life will bring to my online blogging life…well I wont have that editing filter so…things may get a little weirder from here on out (he chuckles quietly to himself).

old-time-reporterThis blog will continue to be a catch all for the ideas that won’t fit in my other more specific themed blog. I will try and keep the same light humorous feel and keep politics and other social rants out of RWR,  try of course being the operative word here, l and his fabulous ols’, no one is here to review it before I hit the publish button.

Oh I am using a new fangled laptop now. That gives me the ability to take this blog on the Fox-Newsroad easier. I don’t know how that will make a difference, but it sounds cooler. I also have cable again finally, (woo hoo Fox News!) so expect some posts on the endless hours of mind numbing pleasures that is modern day television programming.

Anyway and as always thanks for stopping by RWR, and we’ll see you again soon.