Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties

Well hello everyone it’s been quite awhile since we’ve all had time to sit down together and watch any movies on our favorite streaming service NetFlix but tonight I’ve talked everyone



to come over and watch one of my personal favorites that’s just hit the New Releases category.

Now if you haven’t seen one of these NFN&N posts before, remember the purpose isn’t to thoroughly review those big new movies on NetFlix.

No we’re not even really technically reviewing* the movies we talk about, at least that’s not the main impetus, we just wanted to be more like a clearing house of info, here to point out the good (and bad) movies you may not normally have the time or desire to sift through on NetFlix.

Sure Hunger Games, Skyfall, Avengers & more are all on NetFlix right now, but if ya haven’t seen ’em, you’ve at least heard about them. Also there’s the fact that most likely you and everyone else have gotten all the news, reviews, thumbs up or down etc, regarding these films.

But what about those other films, those nuggets and or nasties that make up the rest of the 80-90% of NetFlix?

220px-PontypoolposterWhat about Pontypol, Deathwatch (great nuggets) and Cockneys & bad movies 2Zombies or  In The Name Of The King(Nasties)?

Now there are a couple caveats to these NFN&N posts.


The first is really a two in one kinda deal,  my age and location.

I’m old(ish) n not up to date on the internet hipster subculture so once in awhile we may review a nugget or nasty that is a already semi or well known social media (cult) favorite (Detective Dee for instance). Often when I get excited about a movie the rest of the staff has to point out that in fact it was pretty popular. Sometimes I have already written and published the post when they tell me this.

But added to it is the fact we live and work in a 1 theater town. Many great movies with limited releases never make it to Palace City.

The other exception to this rule is of course, the extraordinary number of fantastic older hit movies that are regularly available on NetFlix. Many of you, being of course much younger, may not have seen and might possibly overlook some great films…

Which leads us to today’s NetFlix Nugget.

 Angel Heart220px-Angel_Heart

This 1987 (Sir)Alan Parker film starring De Niro & Rourke is, despite some now dated 80’s movie-isms (Mickey Rourke as a leading man and check out the smooth sax soundtrack aka Lethal Weapon) is definitely a must see film for movie lovers.

Okay first let me say that if you love the art of film making, any Alan Parker film is a safe bet. I haven’t watched every film of his, Angela’s Ashes is a fine example, but many people love it and swear it’s a beautiful film.

His resume though is quite impressive and of course he has been knighted by the queen and made one of my favorite movies “Pink Floyd’s-The Wall” so there’s all that.

But enough about the good Sir Parker and back to Lisa Bonet’s Breasts, well okay Lisa Bonet..


I once owned a well worn copy of this video 🙂

Her breasts were great in this film, but If there is a weakness to this film it’s her portrayal of Voo-Doo (Vodou) priestess Epiphany Proudfoot…

Maybe Sir Parker thought her breasts were better at acting than she was.

Maybe Sir Parker thought her breasts were better at acting than she was. What you thought I was gonna make a Janet Jackson reference didn’t ya?

It was a big deal when the film came out, remember she was a Huxtable…Mr. Cosby himself commented negatively in the press regarding her choices and it was the end of her character on “The Cosby Show”…(For you younger readers TV in the mid to late 80’s was “The Cosby Show” & then a bunch of other shows.)

Besides Miss Bonet the rest of the cast is outstanding. Di Nero is of course, amazing in his portrayal of the mysterious rich client who hires Mickey Rourke’s hard boiled, whiskey basted, gumshoe detective.

Di Nero's deliciously debonair and devious.

Di Nero’s deliciously debonair and devious.

Private Investigator Harry Angel (Rourke) is hired by Di Nero’s character through a surrogate to find a missing pre-WW II crooner known as Johnny Favorite.

Rourke is perfect as Angel, the surly, sloppy Brooklyn P.I.

Hoping to get ahead in the case, he gets a hand instead.

Hoping to get ahead in the case, he gets a hand instead.

The Mickey Rourke we have in this (and other 80’s movies) was the small, edgey, “serious aboout his craft” Rourke…before the all the boxing nonsense and the Charles Atlas transformation. I’ mean seriously Mickey! I understand working our but… it’s like you cloned yourself and then swallowed the clone whole. Granted, you now bring double the Rourke intensity to every freakishly misshapen roll you play I’ll give ya that, but how many of those roles can there be Mick? Can I call ya Mick?

Wow I’m already well over 500 words & I haven’t really talked about the movie much let alone that it comes from a good book called, Fallen Angel. But that’s okay ’cause this is a movie best seen with as little fore-knowledge as possible.

If you haven’t seen Angel Heart we heart-ily suggest you check it out on NetFlix asap.

If you’re an old movie buff like me and you remember this great film check it out again and see how well this psych/thriller period piece, stands the test of time.


Jesus what’s th…oh Mickey sorry. Say ya know what I’m thinking…Hunchback II, Until the Last Bell Rings huh? Huh? See this time ol’  Hunchy is a bare knuckle brawler in an underground…





Netflix; Nuggets & Nasties

Welcome everybody to another episode of Netflix;Nuggets & Nasties I know you all (all 2 or 3 of you) have been eagerly anticipating my report on “The Croods” and don’t worry your pretty little heads I will deliver shortly…



But before I do we here at RWR wanted to give a nod out to our top quick Nug picks available on NetFlix.

a marathon man

“Is it Safe?”

The Classic Choice: If you only have time for one Movie this week-end make it Marathon Man, if you haven’t seen this excellent thriller staring Dustin Hoffman it is definitely must see material. Never has the innocently asked question “Is it safe?” seemed so threatening. This Movie was the overall  #1 pick


Umm…Ya just gotta see it…really.

Runner up is the adaptation of Joseph Heller’s novel, the 1970 classic Catch 22. This is another film you, especially our younger viewers, may not have yet experienced. An excellent comedy featuring a stellar cast and a piece of 70’s film history you should eventually explore.


We all love ducks now!

Brain Gain: We’re big fans of the great documentaries, and plenty of them, available on NetFlix at the moment and if you can only watch one our top pick is DUCKumentary, another excellent offering from the folks at PBS’s Nature features outstanding narration by one of our favorites, Paul Giamatti, and such beautiful HD cinematography your TV becomes a portal to the marshes of North America.


Exposing animal prejudices and species on species violence.

Our runners up are Eternal Enemies, an extremely honest look at the often brutal relationship between Lions and Hyenas in the African grasslands (this was my top pick, Go Lions!) and for non nature lovers The City Dark is an excellent choice and complex enough to make it worthy of multiple viewings.


Their terror is your hilarity.

For Entertainment Purposes Only: Alright if you haven’t seen Tucker n Dale Vs. Evil yet, well then this is our numero uno pick…I argued against it only a great moviebecause I’m pretty sure everyone has seen it already.

Alan Tudyk

The” Best Actor You May Not Have Heard of Award” goes to…

If you haven’t, well make a date with funny tonight. Granted you must be tolerant of blood, gore and plenty of cursing that comes with T&D vs Evil, one of the funniest movies we’ve seen and a insanely clever twist on an over done classic horror theme.

Amazingly enough, this wasn’t my top pick, but I love the film so am happy it won just the same.

No I just figured it wasn’t enough of a nugget.

Heck it stars Alan Tudyk and he’s a household name…around our house.


Despite the title this is not a movie featuring a Nancy Drew type character.

My pick was Detective Dee & Mystery of the Phantom Flame, a movie I didn’t watch forever just because the title seemed so…lame.

Now of course I love both the rockin’ awesome title and the movie. In Phantom Flame the action really heats up.


This time the girl’s in the wheel chair.

Our odd man out this time is another excellent import from China, The Four.

A great oddball film possibly best described as X-Men meets Chinese Action/Adventure Film.

The Four equals fun.

The Croods from Dreamworks Ent.

The Croods from Dreamworks Ent.

Okay a huge range of watchable material and now yes even I gotta admit…so was DreamWorks “The Croods“.

A fantastically fun, stunningly animated romp through a wonderland of trippy plants and animals.

I would still argue that I was for the most part right…just missed the fine points and a couple of tweaks (tweaks not twerks) to the overall usual thematic schema of today’s propaganda disguised as fluff, Animated Children’s Films.

Still unclear as to the movies message...Yea okay Girl power...but isn't she still following a boy?

Still unclear as to the movies message…Yea okay Girl power…but isn’t she still following a boy?

Though the propaganda wasn’t favoring my schema as in the overwhelmingly kick butt Incredibles nor as blatantly left leaning as any of the “Anything Featuring A Penguin” Movie.

Oh the big P was still there…it was just muddled which made it for the most part ignorable (for the most part).

I expected to be blasted in the face and except for the one “pouty” dad scene it was relatively (ridiculously) unclear.

Instead I was treated to a relatively minor morally abrasive tale that was actually pretty darn funny and beautifully animated.

I made some jokey reference in the last couple posts about acid, that is LSD use here at RWR, and while I assure you that of course was not true, I did think about acid while watching this movie. The digital scenery is fun, inventive and breathtakingly animated.

One of those places a man could settle down.

One of those places a man could settle down.

Bear in mind they went with the fantasy approach to their primeval world, but they went for it with bravado and it paid off for me. I certainly would live there despite the flying piranha birds and giant headed cats.

The Croods” was better than I thought it’d be. If I let pass some of the more goofy socio-new agerey I actually found myself enjoying it.

I doubt it will become a perennial favorite around my house…but I may give it a watch again or two.

Okay well that was by far our longest NF;N &N post so definitely will keep it shorter next time.

Thanks for watching everyone and watch for our next episode where we dig up more great NetFlix Nuggets.

Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. VI

Alright Yee Haw, well here we are I’d love to say it’s been a long road worth traveling, but that would be coloring this exercise in the best light possible.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

First it wasn’t that long a road. oh sure it’s six posts long altogether, but imagine if I’d attempted a top 50 list huh?

Which brings me to my next  point which is of course, thank God I didn’t try to conquer a 50 movie list. ‘

Cause even though it hasn’t been that a long or difficult a trail, it seems like a pointless one.

After all, I already think I’m hilarious, insightful and brilliant.

Ahh well what’ya do.

Move on and don’t look back. Oh no wait…

Let’s look back a little bit.

Let’s run through some of my runner up’s, in no apparent order and with no description.

11167618_detMany of these are on Netflix* right now so if none of my other movies grab ya perhaps ya can watch one of these: The Corridor*, Deathwatch* (British WW1 horror not the other), Dark Skies*, Slither* (even after I ruled it out I like it so much almost added back), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead, Dogs of War,  30 Days of Night,  Mama, Sixth Sense, Signs,  The Frankenstein 220px-Night_Watch_(2004_film)_theatrical_posterTheory*, Nightwatch* (Kick ass Russian horror movie) Come Out and Play*, The Awakening*, Hypothermia*, Insidious,  The Fourth Kind.

All of the movie’s above are certainly worth a watch and more than a few of them were in serious contention for a place on the top 13 list. Though they ended up in the “almost” category each one is scaretastic Halloween viewing.

But all this is jes filler, jes padding to help draw out the excitement and anticipation of my number one pick which I will reveal in my next post…

No I’m jes messin with ya.

But enough lets get to it and see jes what is my…

# 1all time Horror movie pick.

Jacobs Ladder215px-Jacobsladderposter

My dear Lord Jesus this is one scary, unsettling, creepy, uncomfortable, mind f%#$ of a film.

If you have not seen Jacob’s Ladder a 1990 film starring Tim Robbins instant stream it directly after you finish this post.


Don’t look at me Tim. I don’t know what’s going on either?

Jacob Singer (played by Tim Robbins) is a Vietnam Vet returned from war and working for the United States Postal Service. Jacob is having some issues. I won’t spoil the movie here, but take it from me, PTSD may be the least of Jacob’s worries.


Calling Dr. HalfFace to the Creepitologist dept!

Luckily he has a good doctor.


Umm…Not somethin ya wanna run into at the carnival.

Jacob’s Ladder is a Psychological horror film. With special emphasis on the Psychological part.

Despite being number1 at the box office the weekend it was released it did not do well in the long run and eventually only earned 26 million for Tri-Stars Studio.

It’s critical reception did not fare much better Roger Ebert of Chicago Sun-Times wrote that watching it left him “reeling with turmoil and confusion, with feelings of sadness and despair,” and called it “thoroughly painful and depressing experience. (source: wiki).

But none the less I loved it and it has been a perennial “let me show you” favorite of mine.

Jacob’s Ladder terrifies and confuses you while yer watching. Haunts you with the creebie jeebies long after, and like the best movies on this list forces you to contemplate all that it means to be a human.


Jacob’s Ladder-The Dysu’s #1 Halloween flic pic.

If yer looking to climb to the next level of horror this Halloween, I could offer no better way to get there than Jacob’s Ladder.

Well there ya have it everyone,my  top 13 Halloween films.

Thanks fer stoppin by and feel free to leave a comment.

No really I like comments.

(cue cricket noise)

Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. V


Happy Halloween All!

Well Happy Halloween everybody I’m back with the next three picks on my Top 13 Halloween films list.

So far I’ve had a lot of great response to my first 11 picks….No actually I’ve had no response at all.  Crickets chirping make more noise.


Great film, but not a horror film.

Be that as it may I shall not be deterred from finishing my list.  And yea, this is my list of my favorite scary movies. I have a number of rules that I have self imposed, This is partly due to my list being small. Partly due to all the other online best horror movie list driving me crazy with their picks. Often these lists include movies that aren’t specifically “Horror Movies” like “Silence of the Lambs” or “Pans Labyrinth”  bizarre cult favorites like “Susperia” or “Freaks”, and overly stuffed with old timey classics like “Frankenstein” or “The Invisible Man” or even “Bride of Frankenstein”…I mean bride of Frankenstein really?

First of all the bride wasn’t for Frankenstein, it was for his Monster…right, you all know that right…the Monsters name isn’t Frankenstein.  That was the Dr.’s name, his monster was jes called Monster…

Okay so I got caught on a personal rant. Sorry, but yea the monster’s not Frankenstein, jes in case ya missed it.

4. Silver Bulletsilver bullet poster

Okay so this movie is another Stephen King Movie, and it rarely makes anybodies top Horror lists. But as far as pure scares I will put this movie up against the “Shining” any day.

Busey does an adequae job of playing a Busey like character.

Busey does an adequate job of playing a Busey like character.

Silver Bullet the 1985 adaptation of the King novella, “Cycle of the Werewolf” is a fun little movie that doesn’t take itself so seriously. But that doesn’t mean it lacks a quality story and some fine, if now dated, special effects. The acting is acceptable and ol’ Gary Busey hadn’t quite turned into such a parody of himself yet so even his performance is acceptable.


Being married to the Log Lady will do that to ya.

Now in the spirit of full disclosure this fourth pick was the hardest to make a final decision on. And as well I really wanted to get a werewolf movie on this list, (cause the idea of werewolves is damn scary to me).


A fun scary film without pretense.

So in the long run this dark horse got added to the race late and has probably pulled of somewhat of an upset. If I could go back I might bump it down a few spots (or up a few spots…how does that go?)

Be that as it may, like the number 13 pick this movie has a story that lends itself well to a Halloween viewing and could be considered (in today’s modern world) a movie the whole family could enjoy.


Howl Baby, Howl!

If you haven’t seen Steven King’s Silver Bullet yet, tonight might be the perfect opportunity to let your inner werewolf howl.

3. I Am LegendI Am Legend movie poster

Okay so this movie was up for serious contention for number one spot. Even after a number of viewings it still does the job.

Out of the all movies on my list 2007 I Am Legend has what I consider the scariest scene. You know which one I mean. Yea the one where the dog runs into the abandoned building.

If you haven’t seen it I won’t spoil it. It is one scary ass moment in American Cinema.

The big problem is it comes early in the film. And okay yea the rest of the movie has scares but, at least to me, no where near equal the tension and terror of that brief few minutes.

The film though also has some real down time. Wait don’t get me wrong, I own the film. IAmLegend25028Love it. But it is so much more than another end of the world horror flic.

Like the 1954 book of the same name by Richard Matheson, the story is of course really about the human condition, about loneliness.


I love this films vision and cinematography.

This makes I Am Legend more than a great horror film. With an excellent script, fantastic cinematic imagery, and as always an Oscar worthy performance by Will Smith I Am Legend is simply a great film.


Bump us down fer being too good will ya?

Which is of course a plus in the real world, but knocks it down two spots on my list.

2. Alien220px-Alien_movie_poster

By now so much has already been said and discussed about this movie it’s hard to know where to start. And if you haven’t seen this 1980 Scifi/Horror Classic yet I’m not sure what to say.


The disheveled and disparate crew of the “Nostromo”

Alien may be the most tension filled movie on the list. It was a pretty fierce debate and after I bumped I Am Legend out of first fer awhile it was going to be Alien staring Sigourney Weaver and Tom Skerritt (to name but 2 of the great actors in the cast).

It has been said a number of times that the movie has a slow begining, and while that’s true it serves the movie well as we have time to grow and bond with our favorite characters. (which of course has been also duely noted by many a great and unkown critics before me.)


Harry Dean Stanton gets’ got.

Which leads me to my one issue with having Alien included on the list. What can I talk about that hasn’t already discussed ad nauseum? The scene with John Hurt, H.R. Giger’s art work and influence.

Out of all the movie’s on my short list this one has the most likelihood of being seen numerous times by you, my faithful reader.

If you haven’t somehow seen this excellent and intensely scary film yet, crawl out from under that rock and get a copy for tonight’s festivities.

alien egg

Mmm! What’s that filling?

If you have already seen it, it’s not too late to through a Halloween Boarding Party, jes don’t ferget the deviled eggs.

Okay all jes one more pic to go.

Stay tuned later today when I reveal my personal choice for scariest Horror movie in American Cinema.

Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. IV

Happy Halloween From the...?? Wait what is that?!

Happy Halloween From the…??
Wait what is that?!

Well we’re gettin close everyone. Halloweens right around the corner and I still got seven picks left to account for.

I’ll tell ya now jes so yer aware Ghost Dad’s is not on my list. Yes it’s scary but it’s not a horror film.

Quick look up at the top of the post. See where it says pt. IV (4). That means that this list started three posts ago. If yer feelin lost feel free to go there now.

Okay so either ya did or ya jes don’t care. Either way let’s get started.

7: 28 Days LaterMPW-32046

The movie that changed Zombies forever. I mean I gotta admit Zombies are scary. But slow Zombies leave a movie goer (at least this Movie goer) with the idea that…”I could outrun those things.” That removes a large amount of the fear factor for me.

It’s why I can never really be afraid of a movie like “Chucky” I mean heck the little guy’s only three feet tall and made of plastic. Any thing I can kick across the room with one foot does not inspire fear in me. That goes fer evil children, dolls, toys, puppets, cats. I’m sorry again all you “Pet Cemetary” fans that’s jes me.

Wha...wha...what? They're fast now? Ahh crap I'm doomed!

Wha…wha…what? They’re fast now? Ahh crap I’m doomed!

But I’m off track ’cause I’m talking about what does scare me. And the zombies in “28 Days Later” did indeed do jes that.

These weren’t my Grandad’s zombies. Half animate shuffling often barely held together pieces of ruined flesh driven by their insatiable desire…for brains. No these were bestial, animal fast, often barely held together pieces of ruined flesh driven by their desire for brains.

28 D.L. is one of the first films on my list that ranks high in almost every top horror lists. It was a huge success both with critics and audiences around the world. Mainly for the reason I pointed out above. “Man those zombies are freakin fast!”

The zombie, once a kind of laughable creature, right up there with the mummy and Frankenstein Monster, became in one two hour film a new breed of terrifying creature.

Zombies you want to hang with.

Zombies you want to hang with.

Remember the classic "helicopter" scene?

Remember the classic “helicopter” scene?

If in old movies such as 1978’s “Day of the Dead” the undead came on like a relentless if slow moving flood, these new zombies comes on like a swift tsunami, a wave (great shots in WWZ) that will swallow you in mere seconds.

Zombies who ruin the party.

Zombies who ruin the party.

28 Days Later, a great Zombie flic, is perfect for Halloween, unlike the Sandra Bullock dramadey, 28 Days…so check the title carefully.

6: Paranormal Activity

paranormal-activity-poster-1Okay well I know some purest will give me a hard time for this choice but, they’re just lucky I put this film above five…What?

What makes this film so scary? Here…here jes look at this…paranormal-activity-1

C/mon tell me you didn’t watch that scene and wonder…Is my mate standing and looking at me in the middle of the night?


Maybe every wife does this…who knows? Maybe that’s how they find everything out? Even without the whole ghost angle, yer wife walking around in the middle of the night’s kind’a scary.

Cheez I mean creepy. I swear after watching this movie I had to fight the urge to buy NV cameras in case crap was going on while I was sleeping.

Okay I didn’t. The point was this movie made it hard for me to go to sleep that first night after watching it and not too many movies do that for me anymore.

Apparently my friends the film snobs who look down their nose at this little independent film are in the minority because this film made a ton of cash. Supposedly the most profitable film ever made (source:wiki).

Now they have made jes a few of these P.A. films and the style has been as of recently kind’a over utilized making it cliche less than seven years after it hit the screen. But i guess that’s the horror of modern day Hollywood’s “independent” productions. if one movie is good, one hundred movies jes like it must be a hundred times as good.

Still ya ever heard a crash in yer house, woke up thinking you’d just heard something. Caught yer wife with a butcher knife standing at the foot of yer bed. Then you know the feeling this movie creates.

A "real" scary movie

A “real” scary movie

I liked the first PA far more than those that followed, as often is the case.

I really loved the concentration on the characters, the slow building of tension till it comes to a full boil and yer hanging on the edge of yer sofa in a darkened living room all alone thinkin’ “ahh crap I gotta go to sleep soon!”

If haunted house and ghost stories are yer thing I think you might find Paranormal Activity an excellent film to enjoy on a spooky Halloween night.

Jes keep that night vision camera ready for when ya try to go to bed. Trust me you’ll sleep better.

5: Ringu (the Ring)ringu

This horror film from the island of Japan unleashed a slew of both great Japanese horror masterpieces as well as their often not so equal American counterparts.

The Ring is both a good original and adequate American copy, but if yer gonna watch one of ’em this Halloween please, please pick the Japanese version. Oh yea with subtitles-don’t be a wuss (if yer gonna learn to love movies lip-synched versions are no way to go).

Okay on to the film. This movie was scary had had one heck of an ending. Really took me by surprise. If you haven’t seen it yet don’t worry I won’t ruin it here. but…

"Oh crap what's that!"

“Oh crap what’s that!”

That being said as we neared the end of the movie it was obvious to me, a life long movie goer where we were headed and then..wham.

Okay ending aside this movie contains scares galore. Had a great story and new and unsettling special effects that are still being copied today.

Didn't we cancel cable?

Didn’t we cancel cable?

The creepy ghost girl seems somehow creepier in the original version. And I hope that’s not some hidden comment on my xenophobia. but yea I mean look at these pics I’ve included.

Creepy Standing?

Creepy Standing?

Ringu is Japan’s highest grossing horror film (sourced:wiki) and obviously scares Japanese viewers as much as it does Americans as it’s considered the most “frightening film” in Japan.

I know it scares the bejebus out of me and is, while not as bad as PA above. Another movie I’d rather not watch jes before i go to sleep.

Okay where's the popcorn balls?

Okay where’s the popcorn balls?

Why not invite ol Sadako over to yer house to help “Ring” in the Halloween season…Okay that was a bit of a stretch but, you won’t regret bringing this now classic horror film home fer some 幽霊のような Tricks n Treats.

Top 13 Films fer Halloween Night Pt. III

Well it’s been a whirlwind of activity here at Blogaphesto, headquarters of RWR and other fantastic blogs. There has been so much response to the first two “Top 13…” posts that we had to take on an extra intern to handle the work load.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Okay well no, not really. Not one comment yet.

And maybe that’s my fault. Ya see I stopped hitting like or commenting on most of the blogs I read. Howz come you wonder? Well that’s not really the topic of this post, nor the type of subject matter we deal with here at RWR but I’ll try to touch on it quick anyway.

Suffice to say that we were getting a lot of random likes from people who obviously weren’t actually reading our posts. They were jes fishing for likes for their own live laugh loverey posts or newest Cool Colored Cupcake page.

Second a lot of blogs are now simply people shilling a product or line of products under the guise of hip new media. I don’t have time to sift through all that and figure who actually likes me.

Now people who comment are different, any real blogger who comments I will come visit their site, see if we have things in common, etc.

I like commenting on others blogs, probably to the annoyance of those blogs authors, it is to laugh, but whatever bastards, I write what I want and do what I want.

Like this list…this is my list and ya know what, screw everyone else my choice for number nine is.

9: The Violent Kind

Look it even says Halloween on the poster

Look it even says Halloween on the poster

I did not know before I watched this movie that nearly every critic, reviewer, and Rotten Tomato subscriber had panned the 2010 Butcher Bros (Directors: Mitchell Altieri and Phil Flores) film.

I love the movie but had not planned originally to include it due to it not being as outright “scary” as some of the others in my list.

However, I think this is a great film, fun, scary, mysterious, creepy characters, good script, cinematography, soundtrack. I mean it’s a kick ass movie.

After I watched it of course I went to learn what I could about the film and found it was trashed for being trash, a bad bad movie.

Included in those critics though was one compelling nugget which made me go back and view the film again. One reviewer in blasting the film compared it to  Sam Rami’s “The Evil Dead” (which I love but is not on my 13 list, don’t despair jes yet ED fans). Trying to insult the movie by comparing it to Evil Dead only inspired me to watch it again.

And ya know I loved it even more, talked the movie up to everyone I know, and it now holds an esteemed place in the “movies I own” category.

But didn’t I say earlier that it wasn’t going to make the list. Well yea because like another of my favorite modern horror films “Slither” it’s just so much fun to watch, the laughs and scares are about equal. TVK jes has a few more scares than laughs, and while researching for these posts I had the chance to reread all the criticism of the film and was inspired to give it a spot on my list.

A fun bunch of folks.

A fun bunch of folks.

If you haven’t seen it yet this Halloween would be a perfect time to invite the whole gang over.

Vernon, Jazz, Trixie,  Pussywagon & of course Murderball, can’t forget that freak, they love a good party.

Who are they? Where are they from? That’s part of the fun. And I wouldn’t ant to spoil it fer ya.

As to what they want.  They’re just a friendly bunch lookin fer a good time…the violent kind!

8: Evil Dead Pt 2

220px-Evil_Dead_II_posterAlright so yea there are some laughs in this film. Some people would even go so far as to say I’m breaking my own rules by giving a nod to this film but again…my list etc…

Yes it’s got a heavy independent movie feel, is billed as a horror comedy, is a cult favorite and (along with ED1)set the groundwork for many iconic “Rami-isms”, film techniques the Director went on to use in everything from 1990’s excellent but ahead of it’s time “Darkman” to the huge studio production of “Spiderman” in 2002. And so is a classic in more sense than one. but all that aside I’m still putting it in my list.

I’m a big fan of both Sam Rami and Bruce Campbell, so what, that and of the above still does not take away from the fact that this is indeed a scary movie.

A fabulous party host...for a Demon

A fabulous party host…for a Demon

Poor Ash get’s pushed not only over the edge, but over a number of edges.

Equally humorous, creepy and terrifying,

Equally humorous, creepy and terrifying,

And again yes, some scenes, like the mounted heads scenes will make you laugh, but it’s an uncomfortable laughter. We want to dismiss it as cheesy because the idea of it happening is far scarier than a guy with a knife. I can fight back against an axe wielding maniac. In ED II Ash must most often fight his own brain and speaking as a crazy person that gets kind’a scary.

Alright yea, yea, ED is like black licorice. Ya like it or ya don’t.

If this is one of those movies that you haven’t quite got to watching yet, that’s always been a maybe on yer to watch list, I say ya have to give it a chance, and no better time than this Halloween.

Ash about to kick some demon ass!

Ash about to kick some demon ass!

Demons, possessed woods, haunted cabin, a dismembered hand seeking revenge on its’ owner, and a chainsaw arm.

I mean what’s not to love.

I promise this movie will…wait for it…swallow yer soul.

Dead by Dawn...(couldn't figure out a way to work it into the regular post)

Dead by Dawn…(couldn’t figure out a way to work it into the regular post)

Jes had to work that in somehow.

Okay so we’re six films down, seven to go.

What do you think might be next, “The Exorcist”,  “30 Days of Night”, “Willard”? Leave yer choices or jes a comment in the box below.