Electronic Life 1.0

It’s weird new age, an electronic age, a media-age, and while I know for many of you most of this seems normal, for those of us who grew up with rotary phones and three channel televisions some days things seem a little…unreal.

One of the hardest concepts for a guy my age to think about is my electronic life. For you Gen I’ers, (kids now in their twenties who have never known a world without the internet) at times, your electronic life seems almost more real (certainly more important) than your physical life; but I can rarely grasp the enormity, complexity and…”fleshiness“, for lack of a better word,that my e-life has taken on.

Lil’ Mouse tends too laugh at me when I start to wax paranoic, compounds the issue when I try to be dismissively philosophical, by explaining another depth, another facet of this e-life that I may not have yet considered. God bless her soul.

Like the other day I was trying to use this service called Presto to e a letter and pics to my Mom. Presto, the site, wanted a password, which I must have set up at one time. Lil’ Mouse suggested I just click on the recognize me from Facebook button. So I figured what the hey and did. here’s what comes up

Request for Permission

Presto DailySmileis requesting permission to do the following:

  • Access my basic information
    Includes name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, and any other information I’ve made public
  • Access my photos
  • Access information people share with me
  • Post to Facebook as me
    Presto DailySmile may post status messages, notes, photos, and videos on my behalf.
  • Access my data any time
    Presto DailySmile may access my data when I’m not using the application.

Presto DailySmile

So alright  I have problems with bullets 1-4. Those first four bullet points seem far more invasive than they need to be to accomplish my goal of sending my dear Ol’ Ma a couple pictures now and then. And not just invasive to me, but using me as an agent, invasive to anyone even remotely associated with me. Okay but that’s 1-4. but what about the last two points? Okay well let’s start with the last one, bullet point six, this seems, I mean, basically illegal. The statement “access my data”(?) seems highly open ended. Or is it just me?

Then there’s bullet five. What is it they are asking? Permission to pose as me? I mean, will they just post anything they feel like (scary) or will they “access my data” and post pics or videos based on my e-life (horrifying).

I did what any God blessed old curmudgeon would do, I closed the whole program with a grumble that may have included some off color verbiage.

So yea, this new life, this electronic life has some concepts this I still struggle with but I thought I should maybe make a comparison, pros and cons as it were, and see where we end up.

E-Life VS. Real Life Better or Worse?
In my electronic life, everywhere I go, to the bank, to shop, to pick up my mail, even something as simple as talking to a friend, I need a password. Real life wins here but…
In my e-life, if I want, I can block people or things from reaching me including junk mail which I somehow have never been able to do in real life so…
I guess it’s got its good side.
What about you? How are you living your electronic life? Carefree, cautiously, conveniently, commercially, combustiblly? Leave a comment and let us know