Electronic Life 4.0

Well wow…it’s been a couple weeks or more since I have posted here on Random Writes & Rongs. Of course I have been busy writing, posting on main page, Dysu, political/social rants and ficiton writing…but RWR has, like the second better behaved child, has sat quietly patiently waiting….but April 20th, that’s actually closer to a month…

And well I have plenty of good reasons, chief among being that I just, at this age, am more inclined to do what I want. The exception to this of course is working, I have to earn a little money, enough to pay for a roof, and electricity so that I can write and post things all over the net. I would rate those two things as essentials in my life, the rest is all gravy so to speak, frosting on my little slice of cake as it were.

And speaking of, my most Graviolicious woman, the cream cheese frosting of my life Lil Mouse and I were used car shopping online the other day. Lil’ Mouse was perched on my knee as we scrolled through the page after page. She has been online shopping for months looking to buy “the perfect” car. Nothing flashy, just a solid little compact car, a responsible car, ya know something a librarian might drive.

At one point though, as we all know it can from time to time do, the computer, or my connection to the ol’ net slowed to near nothing, I still had all my bars, but of course the screen stayed on page whatever of Sooland Automall.com, no matter where I clicked and pointed. Next page…next page…next page…back button…bla bla bla you get the point.

Damn Internet lets go!

In the ensuing lull, Lil Mouse began relating to me her favorite picks so far, until she noticed me minimizing, then opening the browser screen over and over rapidly…

“What are you doing?” She asked with a hint of incredulousness creeping into her sweet voice.

“Uh…I don’t know.”

I did know what I thought I was doing, I just didn’t want to say it to her, but God bless ‘er little soul I didn’t have to.

“You’re trying to shake it!”

She was already laughing so hard it was difficult for her to get the words out. There was no use denying it. As soon as she said it I realized I do it all the time. And for that exact reason. I sat and waited for the gales of laughter to die down.

“You were actually trying to shake the internet like some old man hunched over a TV set banging on it for better reception?”

What was I to say? She had me. It was either go bold or go home.

“Yes” I said “You didn’t know you could do that?”

That started her laughing again. Not with me of course, at me.

It’s just nice to know I’m good for something honey…

In the mean time where do I hook this antenna to?