Navigating The Amazon

Okay well and hi everyone. I’m back quick this time with exciting updates about my new book “The Grasshopper & the Ants”.

But first, and for those of you first time readers to RWR who are unaware of this, I am not super computer friendly. Umm, that’s a little lite, I am something of a techno-phobe and truth is I would never buy an e-book myself. Do not understand the obsession and excitement over the whole digital library. But ya know, whatever, I figured, I don’t have to get it to list my book…that was rather naive of me.

So anyway it’s up and listed on Amazon woo hoo!  Today I get to spend hours trying to figure out promo options and navigating web pages boo hoo!

On top of that I will have to see if I’ve done everything right (including pricing??) as it’s originally listed oh it is to laugh!

All of the madness aside, I think it’s a great book in a classic style. I of course wrote the story so I’m a little biased. But Chris Walker who did the illustrations really brought the story to life so I believe everyone should have a copy of this soon to be run away hit.

Alright enough said here ya go everyone

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