Don’t Ya’ Step On My New Toe Shoes

Okay so it’s been pretty nice here in the ol’ Soo Foo, (70+)okay so yea that’s an understatement last April 1st I was writin’ about snow, but anyway, warm weather for me means barefoot weather.

It’s been a lifelong obsession with me, being barefoot I mean, as a kid I was constantly losing my shoes.  Which in retrospect seems like a clothing item that you wouldn’t normally lose.

When I was a in High School out in So Cal, I went barefoot my whole senior year, granted they did try to stop me, but I only had two classes per semester that year and eventually they gave up and gave in…

Anyway of course, now I’m older and don’t live in a warm climate, but still, I’m barefoot as much as humanly possible. When it’s warm that means most of the time, unless I’m wearing sandals or flip flops….

Oh yea, unless I’m out hiking of course, can’t really hike in sandals or flip flops and while I used to do a lot of hiking barefoot when I was young…well…I’m not anymore.

So anyway, of course I busted my flip flops from last year (tryin to  hike in them oddly enough lol) so I needed new ones and Lil Mouse had given me the green light on also buyin a new pair of boots (see photos of my old boots nice huh? Those bad boys are like 8 plus years old) so we headed to our local sports super store and lo and behold I found both of my needs in one new footwear item (I mean I feel bad calling them shoes)..

So yea here they are(I know, I know they’ve probably been around for years already, what can I say I’m old and I live in the mid-west). Anyway Lil’ Mouse knew they were there and, God Bless her soul, knew I would love ’em and she said as long as I don’t sleep with them I could buy ’em…even though, she added, they look ridiculous.

“I’ll take ’em” I told the Sales Dude “I’ll just wear them out the door.”

“You’re gonna wear those everywhere aren’t you?” Lil Mouse asked as we walked to the car.

I guess she could tell by my transcendent expression that I liked the shoes.

“Name a place I can’t wear these”

“In B…”she started

“I promise” I assured her “I will take them off when I sleep”

“Noo,,,” She said slowly, as if to a child arching her eyebrow the cute way she does.

“Oh.” I guess I was a little disappointed “You don’t think they’re sexy”

Lil Mouse just laughed at me. That’s why I love her.

Oh and Vibram Five Fingers foot wear I love you too.