Old Poems Outta the Box

Hey all, today’s selection might be the first poem I ever wrote for x2. It was written so early in our relationship that I was still (obviously) a little leery about just where this was going.

In the end we did get married stayed together for quite awhile. We had a child together and our still friends but, in these early days, I was, as you’ll soon see, a tad less assured.

The lovely x2 never was fond of this poem and forbade me from ever reading it at poetry readings…

Annyway here is


She (in 4)


She steps through my door

Out of the night

Wrapped in night black velvet

Ghost woman

Phantom visitor

A smile that eats my heart

Crushes me

To my knees

I man always

Man heart unreachable

Untouchable but

She ghost woman massages it

With love and spiked heels

Leaving a trail of bloody kisses across my chest



She ghost

Wrapped in black velvet night

Pure soft white crescents of skin flash

Blinding me with lust

Sear me struck me dumb me

Man of words

Words being power but I

Am Powerless

Swept away willingly

In this passionate game of

Her devising



She ghost woman is art laying in my bed

The curve of her stomach a poem

The round of her breast a renaissance masterpiece

And I am in awe as she rolls atop me once again

Back lighted by the pale March moon

She is cool white fire

Pale as the light that washes over her alabaster skin



She ghost woman laughs cruel

As the God who made her and let us meet now

With this gap of time between us

The gulf that makes this just a dream while

Her smile sinks deeper into my flesh

Tying me to her

The pull to become us

Till there is just the need

And she snaps off a laugh when I tell her this

And that she will be the death of me when she goes

Yet still

I surrender.willingly when she comes

Like a ghost in the night




Old Poems from Outta’ the Box

Hi all, adding yet another older poem I dug outta my writing box after moving.

If yer interested in seeing more of my older poetry you can see some of my California stuff here, and newer stuff from a couple years back here….

But right now here’s a short little poem from my first year in S.D.


God Don’t Mind that I Kilt this Here Deer

On my TV

Nightly news head

Interviewing man saying

In South Dakota

Hunting is like a religion

And the deer hung by it’s hinds

From the rafters of the garage

Dripping blood splatter pools on the gray cement

As children dance around

Proud Papa