Electronic Life 6.0

Well before we begin I just want to let everyone know of the changes that are taking place at RWR.

If already a member of RWR please take advantage of our new sign in process now using RWR sign inthe 27bit digitally encrypted scramble cloud code we mobile im’d you before the 15 min time window expires.  If your code has expired you must wait thirty minutes for a new DESC code to be sent.

If you are not yet an exclusive member well read below for the important reasons why you should not feel safe surfing the web until you sign up for…

RWR: Blog. Special Help & Intel Team

There are a lot of issues facing the modern electronically wired blog reader today. from the NSA and our own government tracking our communications and our browsing habits, to Google and Yahoo selling those habits to the highest bidder and those are just the big guys. The tip of the iceberg floating above the water.

And we all know what they say about the tip of the iceberg?

Well here at RWR we take our readers online security very seriously.

  • We promise to never sell any of the personal data you divulge to us.
  • WE immediately report any suspicious activities we notice on your account.

If you do not have an account with us at this time please take this opportunity to sign up using the special discount promo offers below and. RWR help

  • we will immediately start reporting suspicious activities to you!

Our team of white hat technicians are compensated at well above their countries standard of poverty and are here to assist and defend you against.

identity theft – information theft – intellectual property theft


malware – spyware – adware – una-ware – even underware. rwr spy

Don’t be a Victim to any one Else but let RWR…stand between you and Bad Guys.

rwrWe have a cloud made out of the Wolverine metal, that really tough one. Which means not only does the cloud heal itself faster after being hacked, it also has a bad attitude and nice sideburns.

But thats how we roll at RWR your securities and special secrets are at the top of our list. So trust us with them and you will never be a victim again, after that.

We give you the RWR 100% money back guarantee.

So if you’re not already a member of RWR B.S.H.& I.T. join up today and take advantage of our Gold membership at half the price.

Here’s what you get.gold

  • Gold members earn points for every dollar they spend with RWR that can be redeemed at almost every local restaurant and entertainment venues.*(see details below for city location and any restrictions)
  • Gold Members also get access to fast pass so when purchasing from RWR your monies transferred to us are no longer held for the normal two days but transferred to our account immediately and we will cut the fees to send us this money by 50%. (50% we must be crazy). Loco Genariso Amigo!

Or you can go big. The Platinum Package, which is only a small increase in your overall monthly package price.

Less than that round of Starbucks you bought  for your whole family today.

And you will get the safety and security of RWR B.S.H.& I.T. Platinum

  • We will keep you up to date with e-mail offers, specials, community groups, alerts and of course our twice daily special offer alert group newsletter.
  • We will re-route all of your e-mail to our super secure servers to be open and screened by our highly trained staff who have been carefully selected for their e-mail opening abilities.
  • Our FB fanatics squad will peruse and lurk your friends list, and friends of friends list rwr 124/7 keeping careful watch to see if anything is ever said bad about you, by any one of your friends or their friends, between friends-and if such activity is detected.
  • Our FBF squad will spring into action utilizing your fb profile to mock, scorn, insult and if necessary threaten bodily harm upon said friend or group of friends.

Just another way we’re working to protect you our reader…

But we can’t start unless you sign up and begin sending us you private info. So join now choose a name. pick a pass word and check out all your options with

B.S.H.& I.T. brought to you by you friends @ RWR RWR reg form