What Does Sex Mean to You…(and other hidden hits from my youth)

Hey all welcome to another RWR post.

So in a recent interaction with one of my favorite WP bloggers, a hilarious, often brutally honest “dating blog” (n I put it in quotes ’cause it’s so much more)…Miss Snarks brought to mind a rare musical blast from the past. “Cause I’m a Blonde” by Julie “Earth Girls are Julie-Brown-Smell-the-GlamourEasy” Brown.

Though it’s on my Zune I hadn’t listened to that particular playlist in quite awhile and so the next day at work I let it blare…(much to the annoyance of my co-workers I’m sure)…

As the list played, in honor of the her Santchness, I asked the staff of RWR to vote fer the best sex and or relationship songs you may have never heard of.

After a lot of whining that they had never heard of them either, I gave up and decided to just play them a dozen or so songs and have them pick from those.

It was hotly contested but after a few go rounds and repeats I can now officially say that some people just don’t like good music…no, it might just be a generational thing.

But these songs were big in their day, I swear…on the West Coast at least…or hits on the station I listened to anyway.

Okay so here is the list by category, but not in any particular order.

RWR’s best dating/relationship/sex songs from the early punk (don’t call it new wave) era…and remember there are rare songs you may not have heard of…

I acknowledge that there are plenty of great punk songs on these subjects from this era, and a ton of better known “New Wave” songs on the topi of love, sex etc…

But and again this post is about those lesser known classic (I think) hits from a gentler more innocent era.


“H-a-t-r-e-d”  Tonio Ktonio k lfc

“Computer Date” Suburban Lawns

“Too Young to Date” D-Day

Romeo Void 1“Never Say Never” Romeo Void

“Alice” by the Naughty Sweeties

& Sex:

“What Does Sex Mean to Me” Human Sexual Responsehuman sexual response

“Funky Poodle” Wild Horses

“Kinko the Clown” Ogden Edsel Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band

The Normal“Warm Leatherette” The Normal

“Are you Ready for the Sex Girls” Gleaming Spires

Okay well there’s the list and if you’re interested in more you can go hear some of the songs by following the link below.

I of course suggest you search them all out and add ’em to your musical library.

Your collection of late ’70’s early 80’s punk, and okay yes New Wave wouldn’t be complete without them.

Click On Su for more!
Click On Su for more!