A Little Mood Music

So Lil’ Mouse and I were sitting around last night and, as couples at times are wont to do,

"Remember when we first met Dear"

We started talking about what got us attracted to each other in the first place the conversation went something like this…

Lil Mouse, from the couch, on her laptop says “Remember when we first met, and then started working together?”

Across the room I on the old man computer respond enthusiastically….”Hunuh..” Or some such general grunt of acknowledgement that I did indeed remember that.

“What did you think?” On her laptop, from the couch, Lil’ Mouse leans forward…

“I’m not sure what you mean?” I replied knowing exactly what she meant. A man can’t give in too easy..

“C’mon” She femanded

“Honestly” I asked

She answered “yes of course”…That’s what they all say and usually I know better, but hey I was feelin talkative, felt like opening up…That should have been my first clue to keep my ol’ mouth shut.

Well when I first saw ya up there readin poetry I thought you looked pretty cute, and yer poetry rocked. Then when we started working together, I was briefly worried that maybe you were some granola eatin’, fembot lesbian, grad student.”

Of course Lil Mouse would be the "hot one"

“Wha…wha…what?” Okay that wasn’t exactly her response but mine’s funnier and more reader friendly.

She then preceded, in her own best Little Mouse fashion, to tell me what she thought of me when we first met…She did so by first taking off my glasses and perching them on her nose, she then took my cigarette and scrunched up her face (Do I really look like Gilbert Gottfried) and started pacing back and forth across the den….

Mr. Gottfried

“Women…”She paused dramatically waving the cigarette in a wild gesticulating aggressive circles…”are ruining the world…Ya wanna know why Missy?”

I was laughing so hard I could not respond, but she, imitating me, of course did not let that stop her “Fake figernails…!”

“Fake…” She insisted using the cigarette like a small poker coming for my now naked eyeball”…fingernails”

Okay well she didn’t use the cigarette like a poker, I just made that part up, and seeing as she will read this it’s best I come clean now…She does do a wonderful job mimicking me however, (this wasn’t the first time won’t be the last) especially if I sound a lot more like Iago the parrot than I am aware of..

After all the dust settled we both found the same thing was the initial attractor…and we think it might be the same for a lot of couple so while talking about it Little Mouse suggested it would be a great topic for the next RWR blog.

See while working in the warehouse together at a thrift store which shall remain nameless I walked into the back and found Little Mouse listening to a CD.

I thought “Well hell those are some kick butt songs she’s listening to she has excellent taste in music”

Of course, duh, you can guess by now it was one of my mixed discs from home. She had found the CD in the stack and liking the music selection on it had chosen to play it.

“You liked a bunch of different types of music.” She said her blue eyes a sparkle.

“I was just happy you didn’t like Katy Perry or Lady Gaga”

“Be serious.”

Men hate being serious in these situations.

“Okay I was stunned. You were younger, but you knew about and liked most of my music, I mean Ella, Dean Martin, Carter Family, Clash and more quirky rock like Modest Mouse and TMBG. You even know yer seventies music, hell Neil Young and Van Morrison are two of your favorites. Plus you’ve introduced me to some pretty obscure artist yourself like Wanda Jackson and Jolie Holland”

This is what she wanted in the beginning, all smiles Little Mouse leaned into me.

“You didn’t really think I was a lesbian did you honey?”

“Of course not sweetie…of course not.”