Electronic Life 7.0

So Hi and all happy greetings, you’ve (probably) stumbled into RWR or Random Writes & Rongs and today we’re going to visit one of our most popular themes with at least five likes…the Electronic Life series.

And so we’ve all had to get used to this new googlizing of our lives,and I’m sure in E.L. 4 or 5 or one of those I have ranted about t a little bit.

But I mean the other day…

I don’t know if it’s any worse or not.

But it was certainly funnier.

See something I may have never mentioned in any of my blogs is that (secret nerd alert) I enjoy Skyrim during my occasional Xbox time.skyrim

And alright for those of you who play you can skip the next paragraph if’n you want.

Anyway so yes I play Skyrim and as part of the game you have the option to buy an electronic house in a number of the digital cities. Super nerdy I know but that’s not the point of this post so hold off in your mockery for a few more minutes.


The Floater


Wrong Way Glitch

Of course like many games of this nature they tend to develop a glitch or two. My Skyrim game is no exception but wait…

I’m getting ahead of myself see, I hadn’t yet discovered that it was glitching.


City of Windhelm

I had accomplished all the steps and had been named Thane of Windhelm and had the 12,000 gold to give his steward and normally then I’d get a dialogue option regarding furnishing my new house. All you non-gamers just got  real kick a real kick out of that didn’t ya.


Furnished Windhelm House.


My Windhelm house!

Anyway again see that option wasn’t coming up. And after a couple reloads I wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed any steps so…And here’s where we get to the start of the funny part everyone…I went onto Google and without thinking typed into the search bar “furnish my house in windhelm“…now the search led me right to the info I needed which explained the glitch in such a way that I realized my house in Windhelm would forever remained blood stained and trash strewn even though I now have a housecarl to sit in a chair and guard the empty fixer upper.

No wait that wasn’t the funny part it’s still coming.

See for the past week on my Yahoo account and on my Facebook the sidebar ads popping up are all for local furniture and home decor stores.

Ya know if yer gonna spy on us for profit, you should make sure there’s profit involved.

I spy with my little red eye!

I spy with my little red eye!