Too Much Paranoias

This is not me.

I mean it could be.

An old dude staring at his computer.

If some one could peer through my computer screen this is what they might see.

I mean if this guy was me, which he’s not.

Though he does have my name which brings me  to the point of this post…so does this guy I mean wow…

So once in awhile I look up my name online. Who can help it? Don’t try and tell me you haven’t.

I mean silly, self centered, but yea there it is; you type your name in the Google search bar and see what comes up.

Sometimes I’ll add writer or poet after my name. I write a lot online so I do get some Google hits, but nowhere near as many as another poet. If I type in “Tom Foster poet” this is the guy that comes up most

Weird huh, there is another poet (far, far more well known than me) with my name…the bastard. I bet he writes more better too, also, whomever…

But that’s not what this post is about. I’m sure a lot of us type and search our name, but for some odd reason the other day I took it one step further and typed my name into Google images.

At first I just went with my first and last, but I realized that (in hindsight..duh?) there were a lot of people with my name. 

Well then I got more specific; first, last, middle name and got this guy, just this guy.

…Well, yes, er,  that is a mug shot…so…

…then I tried first last with just middle initial…

In the long run there is something we hold very personal about our name, our name becomes us, a part of the definition of who we are.

Maybe that’s what so weird about looking at random pictures of people with your name. It shouldn’t be that way, but the longer you search and stare the deeper your questions delve.

Who are these different “mes”?

What are their lives like?

Who’s this guy?

Okay well this guy…I don’t even wanna know

Alright now we’re talkin! Didn’t this guy use to run with Sgt. Rock?

Have an Electric Superbowl everybody!!

Anyway, try typin yer name into Google images and see the interesting faces staring back…

Oh yea the real me