Say Bye Bye to ol’ American Pie

Hello everyone, Lil’ Mouse and I are here to bring you another RWR post. If any of you have been with us long enough you will remember that one of our earlier posts focused on our favorite movie choices.

It has always been our plan to post our top TV and music lists also. And when we first sat down this morning that was our plan. I, however, had a thought… “We should do this list backward.”

“Um…what do you mean? Choice five to one?” Lil’ Mouse, often bewildered by my sudden left turns tried her best to follow my new idea.

“Ya know our most unfavorite.” I knew already knowing which song she’d list first.

“The song that…”

“American Pie!” Lil Mouse exclaimedAmerican Pie

“…makes you immediately turn the radi…”

“American Pie.” She reiterated.


“American Pie.”

She laughed remembering another earlier post. “And anything by Neil Diamond.”Sexy Rocker Serious & Sexy

“So do you like the idea for…”

“What’s New Pussycat!” Lil Mouse was on a roll.

“Yes, okay so you wanna do this post.”

tomjones“Actually anything by Tom Jones or Neil Diamond ’cause they’re both creepy.”

“So your #1 worst song is American Pie that’s a given…” Trying to keep her focused.

“I think it’s the chain’s and the chest hair.”

“Okay honey but what’s your #2?”

“I also don’t like that “Cats in the Cradle” song.”

I'm sensing a theme here

I’m sensing a theme here.

“By Harry Chapin?” Me feigning indignance.

“Whoever, that one and American Pie are manufactured sentimentality.” She claims

“They’re considered two folk classics.” I defend them, though not two of my favorites, but certainly rate sing along status.

“Don’t like ’em” Lil Mouse is nothing if not definitive

“So Cat’s in the Cradle is #2?”

“I also don’t like Bob Dylan.”

No chains or chest hair here

No chains or chest hair here

This was not a surprise to me. “Cause he’s a phony right?”

“He’s become a character of himself” She sounds a woman betrayed.

“Neil Young is what Bob Dylan wishes he was!”

“Okay Honey but so what Bob Dylan song is your most…?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like his songs. I just don’t like Bob Dylan.”

Five years and I can still be surprised huh. “I thought you thought he was a phony?”

“I do. But I still like his songs. I have a bunch of his albums.”

It was true, she did own a bunch of Dylan records. I always wondered about that particular dichotomy.  Sometimes I would catch her in the girl cave singing along with “Hurricane” or “Tangled up in Blue”. I always thought it a guilty pleasure and never said anything.

She reached over me toward the keyboard. “Don’t put that about the phony stuff”

“So you don’t think he’s phony?” She hates when I do this, but I can’t help but do.

Sighing she launches into her explanation. “I think he’s a carefully crafting artist.”

“C’mon..” I start my challenge. She holds up a hand

“Ah. Ah. Let me finish” I continue to stare keeping up the pressure…

“Who’s art has, at this point, become being Bob Dylan.”

Robert Z. as "Bobby D."

Robert Z. as “Bobby D.”

I lean over the keyboard fingers flying.

“Wait.” she laughs nervously. “Don’t put that in!”

“Be brave.” I exclaim. “Go bold or go home!”

“That’s your motto. Mine’s be bold at home.” She has stopped laughing.

I am quickly setting the last picture. I don’t know if she has read what I have written since. I can just feel her eyes on the side of my head as I hustle to put in the pic.

“You are going to change that part aren’t you.” The punctuation is correct, it was not a question.

I hit the publish button. “Too late. I’m sorry….”

Lil’ Mouse’s  harsh belittling laugh cuts me to the quick.

"Shift, alt, what Honey?"

“Shift, alt, what Honey?”

“Your such an old man.” She is already reaching past me for the mouse.

Accessing the dashboard she reopens the post. “It’s not like it’s the front page of the NY Times in the 1940’s…We can’t stop the presses Boss!”

“It’s not like 100,000 copies just went into hardcover print and now we’re going to have to recall them all.” She’s so funny my Lil’ Mouse.

“Oh no…” She mimed panic as she pushed me out of the way and began typing. ” What am I going to do. Your so clever. You really got me there.”

“Okay” I said making a last ditch effort. ” If your afraid to tell the truth.”

“But I did tell the truth.” Lil Mouse said all sweets and smiles now.

“Lemme see what you wrote.”

The Winner & Still Champion

The Winner & Still Champion

She pushes the publish button. “Too late.” She laughs

“Okay but…what if i just put back in what you really said tomorrow or the next day.”

My beautiful Lil Mouse looks unfazed. She knows me to well.

“You wouldn’t do that to me Honey.”

No…no I wouldn’t


Happy Times