Where in the Falls?

Alright so here we go we got lot’s of reaction from our SF friends  on Facebook so we’re very excited. I’m excited because this is the first page I am trying and I have no idea how the whole thing is gonna work in the long run…(I know lots of you may think that’s hilarious[as I probably will someday when I’m an old blogging pro]))

But I figure what the Helsinki lets give er a shot huh?

Now I’ll go through the premise again. The page is called Where in the Falls? What we are going to do is post three or four pics per page with hints or clues either to the subject, or the location here in Sioux Falls, the greater Sioux Falls area, and sometimes in nearby towns or local wilderness areas etc.

Your job is to figure out where the pic’s subject is located. Like in the first pic from earlier to day, with Mr. Bendo, the answer(s) 400 s. Cliff, or Cliff and 12th, or we’ll even take something like Buck’s Muffler the store where Mr. Bendo is located.

We are shopping around fer some kind’a prize, no really, a real prize, but mostly we’re hoping you’ll all have fun.

Are ya ready? Can we dance? Let’s do it, break it down…sorry been watching too much Yo Gabba Gabba anyway okay…here we go

During the winter it's all snow and ski's, in spring it becomes all flowers and trees.

Ya know this ones really easy, guess that's why the poems so cheesy

If your a pig this place might look like fun, but if you go through the doors you'll come out on a bun

It says Hallmark, but it's not a card, finding this door may be kind'a hard












Alright so I guess we’re gonna roll with the Lil’ poems after all, the boss says they are “cute” and ya know always give the boss what they want (‘specially if ya’ love ’em). Really, it might just be a fun way for us to use all these pics that we take while we’re out wandering around, but we hope you enjoy it also.

Good Luck and you can post your guesses either here in the comments section or you can comment on one of our Facebook pages or on Sioux Falls Poets on Facebook

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