Where in the Falls?

Howdy there ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, cats and kittens of all ages it’s time fer  another rollicking round of “Where in the Falls?”…

Now our contestants have been briefed backstage on the rules and how we play “Where in the Falls?” But we will run through it for our studio audience and you viewers at home.

In “Where in the Falls?” we at 409 post pics of interesting unique objects, places and replicas of people, in and around Sioux Falls. We will give you a clue in the form of a lame rhyme. Your job is to figure out the location of the pics subject (and post your answers no more just coming up to me on the street)

One rock in a river might be hard to find. If you've never been to our namesake yer way behind.

Everybody got it…then lets play “Where in the Falls?

Kind'a like the poet's tree, this one's lovely as can be

Maybe if I had a phone I wouldn't have to be alone

This shouldn't be too hard to find, a big brick building with a this little sign

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